Yearly Archives: 2012


Hezbollah warned it would fire thousands of rockets into Israel in any future war. The Lebanese Army arrested five Syrians found with explosives and suspected of planning an attack on a Shiite Muslim procession.


Rebels captured an air base near Damascus, destroying several helicopters and capturing 15 soldiers. Rebels had captured three other military bases earlier in the week along with large quantities of equipment and ammunition.


Will Mursi’s Egypt become a new Iran?


Stalemate in Syria? Army short on loyalists, rebels short on guns


Middle East shifts may weaken Iran’s influence with Palestinians


Protesters clashed with police in Cairo for a third day over President Morsi’s grant of new powers. The Muslim Brotherhood called for demonstrations to show support for the president. Morsi said his new powers would be “temporary” and that he wanted dialogue. Egypt’s stock index fell 10%.


Jama’a al-Islamiya leader: Islamists, regime may try to assassinate liberals


A pair of Boko Haram suicide bombers killed 11 people in a complex suicide attack at a church on a military base in Kaduna. “Gunmen” killed three Christians in Kano.


Algerian jihadists are arriving in Timbuktu to bolster al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb forces. The town is “becoming the headquarters of AQIM in northern Mali,” a security offical said.


Police arrested a suspected French jihadist in Nema near the Malian border. The man, who had links to Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, had entered Mauritania from Morocco, and was planning to go to Timbuktu in Mali.


The military arrested Walid Amping, an Abu Sayyaf member, during a raid near Zamboanga. Amping was wanted for the kidnapping of six people in 2002; two of them were beheaded.


The Taliban killed a US soldier in the south. A suicide bomber killed only himself in a premature detonation in Nangarhar. Security forces captured two suicide bombers in Kabul.


A bomb exploded in a Palestinian refugee camp in Damascus, killing four people; Yarmouk camp had been the scene of clashes between pro and anti-Assad Palestinian groups. Fighting continued in Aleppo, Homs, and Damascus.


The Supreme Judicial Council criticized a decree by President Morsi granting himself power over the judiciary, calling it an “unprecedented assault.” Opponents called for large-scale demonstrations on Tuesday. Judges called for a national strike. In Alexandria, all work was suspended in courts and prosecution offices.


A suspected suicide bomber killed four Shia Houthis in an attack near Sana’a. The government claimed that more than 22,000 families have returned to Abyan after being displaced during fighting with al Qaeda.


Shabaab forces briefly took control of the town of Belad-Hawo; the military claimed 13 Shabaab fighters were killed in the counterattack. “Gunmen” attacked Kenyan troops in Kismayo.


Burst Of Protest In Egypt But No Revolution, Yet


Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi proves a deft, adroit and ruthless leader