Yearly Archives: 2012

United States

A Palestinian group called Masada al-Mujahideen claimed it started a brush fire near Reno, Nev. on Jan. 18. The group announced “the expansion of the location of the war … to the inside of America and soon to other places.” An elderly man turned himself in to authorities yesterday, expressing remorse for having accidentally started […]


Peru gov’t bans trips abroad for terror convicts


Security forces arrested five members of the banned group Hizb-ut-Tahrir who are suspected of plotting with some members of the military to overthrow the government and impose sharia law.


President Karzai said that he has negotiated with members of the Hizb-i-Islami Gulbuddin. The Taliban killed five policemen in Herat, four civilians in Helmand, and an ISAF soldier in the south.


Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal ‘to step down’


Shabaab said Bilal al Berjawi, a British national who has waged jihad in Somali for years, was killed in an airstrike. Shabaab claimed it defeated African Union and Somali forces that advanced outside of Mogadishu.


Islamist parties won the elections for the Egyptian parliament. The Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party won 47 percent of the seats and the hardline Salafi al-Nour party won 24 percent.


Afghanistan’s Karzai says he met with insurgent faction Hizb-i-Islami for peace talks


Boko Haram killed more than 140 people during a series of blasts, including a suicide bombing, and shootings in Kano. Boko Haram claimed credit for the attacks, which targeted police and immigration buildings. A curfew has been imposed in the city.


Inspectors from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons have found undeclared chemical weapons left over from Gaddafi’s regime. Hundreds of Islamists gathered in Tripoli to demand the imposition of sharia.


Police have issued an arrest warrant for a second Hezbollah operative who is involved with a plot to conduct attacks against Westerners in Thailand. Atris Hussein, who is in custody, claimed the bomb materials found at his office were planted by Israel’s Mossad.


Pakistan – Takeover of Christian property: Opposition minority members decry government in Punjab

Great Salt Desert bunker could be trigger for an attack on Iran

Al Qaeda

US officials believe that the Jan. 11 drone strike in Miramshah, North Waziristan, killed Aslam Awan, a deputy to the leader of al Qaeda’s external operations network. Awan is a Pakistani national from Abbottabad who is also known as Abdullah Khorasani.


A German and an Italian who work for an NGO have been kidnapped in Multan. Two people were killed in bombings in Khyber.


France suspended its training mission and threatened to withdraw after an Afghan soldier killed four French troops in Kapisa. Six US Marines were killed in a helicopter crash in Helmand.


Japan said it would continue to cut imports of Iranian oil. The major powers said they were open to renewed talks with Iran. After Iranian warnings, a US aircraft carrier sailed into waters off Iran. The UK banned Iranian state TV from British airwaves.


“Gunmen” killed three policemen during an attack on a checkpoint in Aden. The al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leader who took control of Rada’a said “the Islamic Caliphate is coming.”