Yearly Archives: 2012


The Iraqiya party has ended its boycott of parliament. The US Department of Defense cannot account for more than $2 billion in funds for Iraq. Insurgents killed a civilian in Samarra.


The Kenyan military said its forces captured Delbio during fighting last week; two Kenyan and one Somali soldier were killed. The town was described as a key center used to distribute weapons and explosives to the Kenyan refugee camps in Garissa, Wajir, Mandera, and Dadaab.


Police arrested Aboud Rogo, a radical cleric for Shabaab, during a raid in Kikambala; weapons and explosives were found at his home. Police failed to arrest Natalie Webb, a British woman who is believed to be a Shabaab financier; she is thought to have left the country.


Boko Haram spokesman Abul Qaqa threatened to carry out mass-casualty attacks in Sokoto if its fighters are not released from prison. Abubakar Shekau, the emir of Boko Haram, distributed pamphlets in Kano urging Muslims to support the jihad.


Russia backing of Syria’s Assad seen as way to maintain foothold in Arab world


Hamas leader, Khaled Meshaal, goes back to Jordan


For CIA family, a deadly suicide bombing leads to painful divisions


President Sarkozy said France will withdraw from Afghanistan in 2013, one year early. Police killed five Taliban fighters and detained several more. Eighty insurgents reconciled with the government in Baghlan.


Insurgents killed a soldier in Mosul, the daughter and wife of an Awakening leader in Fallujah, and a civilian in Kirkuk. Police arrested two female members of Vice President Hashemi’s staff.


Syria’s crisis: It looks like civil war


Former ‘Sons of Iraq’ targeted by insurgents after U.S. pullout


Russia Sides Firmly With Assad Government in Syria


Escalating violence caused the Arab League to suspend its observer mission. The leader of Hamas left his offices in Damascus. The UN Security Council debated a draft resolution calling for the ouster of President Assad.


President Saleh is traveling to the United States for medical treatment. The military said its forces killed four al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in Zinjibar.


Shabaab fighters kidnapped five teenage soccer players from Afgoye. Gunmen executed a director of Shabelle in Mogadishu.