Yearly Archives: 2012

United Kingdom

Four UK nationals of Pakistani and Bangladeshi origins admitted to involvement in an al Qaeda-inspired plot to bomb UK targets around Christmastime in 2010. They were arrested with five others in raids in London, Cardiff, and Stoke-on-Trent. Planned targets included the London Stock Exchange and the US Embassy. They could all be freed in six […]


Ten Pakistani soldiers and 25 Taliban fighters were killed during fighting in Kurram. President Obama admitted the US is conducting drone strikes in Pakistan, and said that civilian casualties are low.


The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south. Security forces captured Taliban commanders in Helmand and Khost. The Afghan government denied it is conducting talks with the Taliban in Saudi Arabia.


US drones killed 11 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula leaders and fighters in Lawdar. Nineteen people were killed during clashes between Houthis and Salafists in Saddah and Hajjah. Six aid workers were kidnapped in Mahweet province. The information minister escaped an assassination attempt in Sana’a.


A suicide bomber killed two guards at the home of a former warlord in Galkayo. Shabaab forces clashed with Somali and African Union troops in Mogadishu. President Sharif called for an end to the arms embargo on Somalia.


Red Cross banned from areas of Somalia under al-Shabaab control


Iranian attack on America and allies increasingly likely – US intelligence chief


The head of US intelligence said Iran was keeping its options open on nuclear weapons and that Iran was now willing to attack the US on its own soil. The German chancellor will urge China to cut Iranian oil imports. Iran launched a Spanish-language TV channel.


Concerned over its deteriorating public image, Egypt’s military sacked the general in charge of media affairs. The US Embassy in Cairo sheltered three US citizens to protect them from arrest by Egyptian authorities investigating US-sponsored nongovernmental organizations.


Iran keeping option open on nuclear weapon: US spy chief