Yearly Archives: 2012


Authorities arrested 26-year-old Mohyeldeen Mohammad in Larvik in connection with the posting of a video that threatened Norwegian leaders. Another man arrested earlier for producing the video is still in custody.


Iran has material for 4 nuclear bombs: Israeli general


NATO ministers to mull accelerated withdrawal from combat role in Afghanistan


Afghan soldiers ‘co-operating with the Taliban and signing ceasefire deals’


Pakistani aircraft killed 20 Taliban fighters in Arakzai. A package containing anthrax was delivered to the home of Prime Minister Gilani. Foreign Minister Khar dismissed a leaked NATO report that said Pakistan aids the Taliban as “old wine.”


The US and NATO want to end combat operations in Afghanistan next year. An Afghan soldier killed an ISAF soldier in the south. Security forces detained three Taliban commanders and several fighters in Kandahar and Zabul.


Security forces detained al Qaeda’s minister of information in Mosul and 16 members of Vice President Hashemi’s bodyguard. Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed credit for the Jan. 15 suicide assault in Ramadi that killed seven policemen.


“Gunmen” killed three Yemeni soldiers during an ambush in Marib province. Yemen’s electricity minister secured the release of six UN aid workers who were kidnapped by tribal fighters earlier this week.


The Kenyan military said it took control of the towns of Badhade and Hosingo south of Afmadow. The UN is considering increasing the number of African Union forces by 5,700.


Police claimed to have captured Abul Qaqa, the spokesman for Boko Haram, during a raid in Maiduguri. A Boko Haram splinter group calling itself the Vanguards for the Protection of Muslims in Black Africa announced its formation; its leader is Abu Usamata al Ansari.

Al Qaeda

NATO Plays Down Report of Collaboration Between Taliban and Pakistan


Freed from Gaddafi, Libyan Sufis face violent Islamists


Analysis: Hamas on the move, seeks Palestinian ascendancy


Iraq becomes dollar source for sanctions-hit Iran, Syria