Yearly Archives: 2012


The Pumwani Riyadha Mosque in Nairobi is suing Chase Bank Limited for being “subjected to suspicion and accusations that they are traitors who sympathise, aid and abet the terrorist activities of Al Shabaab.” The mosque said Chase provided the UN with documents that linked it to the Somali terror group.


Boko Haram fighters killed four people during attacks on a police station and a bank in Kogi. The State Security Services said the captured Boko Haram spokesman is providing “very useful and verifiable information” during an “intense interrogation.”


In its first publicly disclosed terrorism risk report, the Danish security agency said Denmark remains a key target for Islamic extremists in 2012. Persons or entities linked to the Prophet Muhammad cartoons are most at risk, the report noted, and attacks by individual terrorists are an increasing concern.

Islamic Jihad Union details cooperation with Afghan Taliban

The al Qaeda-linked group claimed its fighters “help the Taliban in northern Afghanistan and provide them with military consultation” and are deployed in the Afghan provinces of Paktia, Paktika, Khost, Ghazni, Kandahar, Helmand, Nuristan, Badakhshan, Kunduz, and Balkh.


The Taliban killed three policemen in an ambush in Lakki Marwat. Security forces detained eight “militants” and seized a large cache of explosives in Khyber.


US Defense Secretary Panetta said the US would end its combat role in Afghanistan in 2013. NATO officials are confused over Panetta’s statement.


Boko Haram killed six people in a series of bombings in Maiduguri. Security forces killed 11 Boko Haram members during a clash in Maiduguri.


BBC Persian Reporter Interrogated Online By Iran’s Revolutionary Guards


Thousands demonstrated after 74 people were killed in rioting at a soccer match in the worst violence since Mubarak’s overthrow. Egyptian football organizers were sacked and authorities in Port Said, where the clash took place, have resigned. A famous Egyptian comedian was jailed for offending Islam.


Kenyan troops seized Hosungow near the Kenyan border and took over the key southern town of Badhadhe, potentially cutting off Shabaab’s supply line from its coastal stronghold of Kismayo. The UK appointed an ambassador to Somalia and the UK foreign minister is visiting the country.