Yearly Archives: 2012

Fatah and Hamas reached a reconciliation deal and agreed to form a unity government. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu criticized the deal, saying Palestinian President Abbas must choose between peace with Israel and peace with Hamas.


Protesters and police clashed for a fifth day outside Cairo’s security headquarters. The head of the ruling military council called for a quick move to presidential elections. Democracy activists reacted to the announcement of criminal trials for NGO workers.


The Kenyan military claimed that eight Shabaab commanders and more than 100 fighters were killed during last week’s airstrikes on Shabaab camps in Badhade and Hayo. Shabaab is accused of assassinating a senior Shabelle program director.


King Mohammed pardoned several Islamist leaders during the holiday to celebrate the birth of the Prophet Mohammed. Among those freed was Hassan Kettani, the ideological leader of Salafia Jihadia, which has carried out suicide attacks in Morocco.


The conviction of Mohamed Ben Riadh Nasri, one of three Tunisian Guantanamo detainees transferred to Italy in late 2009, was overturned by an appeals court. He was freed along with one of the other Tunisians; the third former detainee remains in prison in Italy.

United Kingdom

The Special Immigration Appeals Commission ruled that radical Islamist preacher Abu Qatada must be freed on bail, after the UK’s attempt to deport him to Jordan was barred by the European Court of Human Rights. The government considers him a high security risk.

The Taliban on al Qaeda, 1996-97

In 1996, the Taliban denied that bin Laden was in areas under their control and said he’d never be given safe haven; in 1997, they admitted the “good mujahid” was a guest.


Saudi Arabia Blocks Website Of Iran’s Supreme Leader


Kuwaitis punish government over graft, say analysts


Egypt’s aid from US in peril amid crackdown on pro-democracy groups


Syria crisis: Hillary Clinton calls UN veto travesty’


Iran threatens to hit any country used to attack its soil


The Taliban killed a Pakistani soldier in an IED attack in Kurram. Police arrested a Taliban commander and three fighters in Karachi, and 18 suspected militants in Khyber.


A suicide bomber killed three policemen and four civilians in Kandahar. A US soldier killed an Afghan security guard in Sar-i-Pul. Two senior government officials in Khost were arrested for supporting the Taliban.


Four al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and a soldier were killed during fighting in the AQAP-held city of Zinjibar. Members of the Yemeni Air Force continue to demand the resignation of its commander, the brother of President Saleh.


Egypt will try 43 foreigners employed by nongovernmental organizations, including 19 Americans, on charges of using foreign funds to create unrest. A Muslim Brotherhood spokesman said the NGOs were “paying money to some youth to incite violence and make riots everywhere.” The US may withhold some $1.3 billion in military aid to Egypt.


Security forces killed two teenage boys as they were planting a roadside bomb in Mosul. Insurgents killed a police officer in Baghdad.


Arab nations, Turkey, Britain, and the US criticized the veto by Russia and China of the UN’s Syria resolution. A senior Syrian army defector said the Syrian Army was close to collapse.


Security officials blamed Shabaab for an attack outside of a cafe in Garissa that killed three people. Shabaab fighters attacked Ethiopian forces at their bases in Beledweyn.


The head of the Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs denounced Boko Haram’s activities as un-Islamic. A prominent Christian leader called for “holy war” against Boko Haram.