Yearly Archives: 2012


Arid Ukan, an ethnic Albanian Muslim from Kosovo, was sentenced to life in prison for an attack at Frankfurt airport in 2010 that killed US two soldiers and seriously wounded two more.


Iran turns to barter for food as sanctions cripple imports

Iran’s seaborne trade suffers as sanctions mount


President Karzai said ISAF aircraft killed several children in Kapisa. The Taliban killed two policemen in an IED attack in Helmand. Security forces captured two Taliban commanders in Helmand and Nangarhar.


Insurgents killed a policeman near Kirkuk. The government is seeking to tighten the rules for security contractors operating in Iraq.


The chief of the Criminal Investigation Department in Al Houta was killed by “gunmen;” al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters are suspected of carrying out the attack. The military killed two members of the Southern Movement in Dhale who were protesting the upcoming election.


The Syrian army intensified its artillery bombardment of Homs, causing widespread casualties. Russia said Syria was not bombarding Homs or other urban areas. The opposition claimed Syria’s military is stockpiling chemical weapons near Homs. China met with the Syrian opposition for the first time.


Shabaab and al Qaeda formally said the two groups have merged. Ayman al Zawahiri announced “the joining of the Shabaab al-Mujahideen Movement in Somalia to Qaedat al-Jihad, to support the jihadi unity against the Zio-Crusader campaign and their assistants amongst the treacherous agent rulers.”


The chief of the secret police in Kano said that Boko Haram fighters wear police uniforms when conducting attacks on security forces. “The sect members disguise as policemen… to launch attacks on police personnel and make it look like policemen are sent to kill their colleagues,” he said.


Kenyan forces claimed a senior Shabaab military commander named Abu Yahya and 13 fighters were killed in an ambush in Dalayat. Shabaab claimed its forces killed six Kenyan troops in the south. The death toll in yesterday’s suicide attack in Mogadishu has increased to 15 killed.

United Kingdom

Nine British Muslims were sentenced to terms of five to 16 years for plotting to bomb UK targets including the London Stock Exchange. Three of them, Mohammed Shahjahan, Usman Khan, and Nazam Hussain, also planned to set up a training camp in Pakistan to prepare jihadists for attacks in the UK.

United States

Jesse Curtis Morton, a.k.a. Younus Abdullah Mohammad, a Muslim convert from New York who ran the extremist website Revolution Muslim, will plead guilty to charges of threatening the creators of a US TV show that had depicted the Prophet Muhammad costumed as a bear.

Al Qaeda

Libya: Algeria, Libya sign accord to fight cross-border arms trade


US likely to scale down plans for bases in Japan and Guam

US Predators strike again in Miramshah

Four “militants” were killed in the second strike in 24 hours in Pakistan’s Taliban-controlled tribal agency of North Waziristan. A senior al Qaeda-linked Taliban commander is reported to have been killed.


US drones killed 10 Haqqani Network and Central Asian fighters in a strike in North Waziristan. The Taliban killed two soldiers in Mohmand. Representatives from the US, Pakistan, and Afghanistan met to discuss border security coordination.


Security forces captured four Taliban leaders and facilitators in Helmand and Khost, and three insurgents, including a Pakistani, in Kandahar. The government said it was willing to accept the transfer of Taliban detainees held at Guantanamo to Qatar.