Yearly Archives: 2012


Four members of the PKK were killed as Turkish warplanes bombed their bases in northern Iraq. Iraq opened a new crude oil export terminal in Basra that should increase exports by 300,000 barrels per day.


Ansar al Sharia, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s political front, beheaded two Saudis and a Yemeni who were accused of spying for the US. “Gunmen” assassinated a colonel in the Political Intelligence Security directorate in Al Baytha.


Shabaab fighters attacked Kenyan and Somali troops in Busaar; 10 people are said to have been killed. Shabaab fighters and local militia clashed in Beledweyne; five people reportedly killing five people.


The spokesman for the Kenya Defence Forces said that Shabaab’s merger with al Qaeda shows the Somali group has been weakened. Colonel Cyrus Oguna also said the merger would induce the international community to fight Shabaab.

Al Qaeda

Boko Haram exposed: How sect was formed; Training details; Why it is changing tactics


Security forces have created a list of the most wanted Boko Haram members; its leader, Abubakar Shekau, tops the list. Boko Haram gunmen are suspected of killing four Christians in the towns of Unguan Musa and Potiskum.


In Egypt, NGO crackdown and draft law have chilling effect


The Taliban said they are holding a German and an Italian citizen who were kidnapped in Multan. The Army is court-martialing a brigadier and four officers for links to Hizb ut-Tahrir. The interior minister denied that NATO supplies are transiting via Afghan airspace.


The Taliban killed five Afghan policemen in an IED attack in Tarin Kot, the capital of Uruzgan, and an ISAF soldier in the south, and kidnapped six policemen in Balkh. Security forces captured several Taliban leaders and fighters in Helmand and Paktia.

Palestinian Territories

Hamas’ Prime Minister arrived in Iran. The PM said Hamas would never recognize Israel. A Hamas leader in Gaza criticized the agreement reuniting Hamas and Fatah.


The Syrian crisis spread to Lebanon. On Friday and Saturday, Sunni and Alawite groups clashed in the city of Tripoli leaving two people dead and 18 wounded. The Lebanese Army moved to restore order.


India Trumpets Ties With US Amid Iran Oil Deal


Turkey and Iran diverge over Syria


Gunmen ambushed and killed a Syrian general inside Damascus, the first such attack in the capital. Syrian army forces launched new tank and rocket attacks on the city of Homs. Saudi Arabia began circulating a new peace resolution, one week after a similar resolution failed in the UN.