Yearly Archives: 2012


The Islamist group Ansar Dine pushed Tuareg rebels out of Lere, a town 37 miles from the Mauritanian border, and now controls the area. The move puts Islamists in control of all the main Malian towns that border Mauritania and Niger.


A Ministry of Information was created to regulate the Libyan media. The Nawasi brigade, a powerful militia under the authority of the Ministry of Interior, said it was handing over to the Justice Ministry 12 alleged homosexuals picked up by the militia’s “Private Deterrent Force.” The UK will not seek to recover the £200 million […]


The interim prime minister said Salafist groups are operating security patrols in some neighborhoods as part of a plan “to establish an Islamic emirate in Tunisia, similar to what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan.” The government estimated that there are 3,000 militants in Tunisia, some of whom are members of al Qaeda. President Marzouki called […]


A terrorist cell dismantled on Nov. 24 was found to have recruited fighters for Libya as well as for Mali; al Qaeda facilitated the fighters’ travel through the Algerian-Moroccan border to the Sahel region. The influx of Islamist fighters in the Sahel includes Tunisians, Libyans, Europeans, Sudanese, Pakistanis, and a number of Mauritanians, among others.

Al Qaeda

After 22 months in Af-Pak hot seat, Grossman to ‘return to private life’


The Taliban killed an ISAF solider yesterday in an IED attack in the south. Two people were killed after Afghan police forces clashed among themselves in Baghlan. ISAF killed a Taliban commander in Kunar.


Insurgents killed 29 Iraqis in a series of eight bombings in Baghdad, Kirkuk, Ramadi, and Fallujah. Security forces detained three al Qaeda fighters in Wasit.


“Gunmen” executed a tribal elder in Beledweyne; he was appointed the head of the elders in Hiran last week. Shabaab detonated a large bomb against African Union forces.


Diagram suggests Iran working on nuclear bomb much more powerful than Hiroshima


Iran’s nuclear stockpile grows but not yet in danger zone


Syrian rebels struggle to keep regime Air Force on the ground


Government aircraft attacked towns in the north and east. In Aleppo, rebels used an antiaircraft missile to shoot down a military helicopter. Rebels attacked government forces outside of Damascus.


A massive demonstration was staged in Cairo’s Tahrir Square to protest President Morsi’s assumption of sweeping new powers. By evening, the crowd had grown to 200,000. Morsi’s supporters canceled a planned rally, citing the need to “defuse tension.”


Gunmen dressed as soldiers stormed into a pub in the predominantly Christian Barkin Ladi region of Plateau state, killing 10 civilians. The army denied any connection to the attack.

North Korea

Satellite photos indicated North Korea was readying to launch a long-range ballistic rocket. The assessment came two weeks after North Korean officials said they would expand their space program and “go through with launches of working satellites of all kinds.”


Islamists silence the musicians who guide rural Mali


Pakistan ranked ‘most dangerous place for journalists’ second year running