Yearly Archives: 2012


Asia key as US, EU tighten sanctions against Iran


Insurgents killed an Awakening leader and two of his bodyguards in an IED attack in Anbar. Security forces detained 20 wanted men in Mosul and Diyala. A court sentenced an al Qaeda in Iraq leader to life in prison.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Ansar al Sharia, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s political front, released a statement announcing the execution of three US spies, and named others who are wanted. Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the “underwear bomber,” is seeking a sentence lower than life in prison.


Puntland security forces captured Ahmed Saeed Mohamed, the brother of senior Shabaab leader and weapons smuggler Mohamed Saeed Atom. The spokesman for the Kenya Defence Forces said military operations have reduced Shabaab’s revenues by 75 percent.


Syrian army attacks continued in Homs. Opposition forces repelled an attack on Rastan. The Arab League recognized the opposition, and also proposed a joint Arab League-UN peacekeeping mission. Syria and Russia rejected the proposal.


Car bombs targeted the Israeli embassies in India and Georgia. Israel blamed Iran and Hezbollah for the attacks. Iran denied the charge.


Thousands of protesters attempted to occupy Pearl Square in central Bahrain to mark the first anniversary of the revolt. Police responded with tear gas and stun grenades.


A Turkish diplomat said that Iran was ready to negotiate an end to the standoff over its nuclear program. China urged Iran to cooperate.


Umar Patek, the al Qaeda-linked militant behind the deadly bombings of Jakarta churches in 2000 and a Bali nightclub in 2002, is being tried for mass premeditated murder. An alleged member of the Jemaah Islamayah terror group, Patek was arrested in Abbotabad, Pakistan in January 2011, where he may have met with Osama bin Laden.


Tunisia broke up a terrorist ring with links to al Qaeda. Some of the members had received military training in Libya.


Britain ‘would provide support but not troops for Syria peacekeeping mission’

United Kingdom

A British court has assigned bail conditions for the imminent release of radical Islamic cleric Abu Qatada, whose deportation to Jordan had been sought by the UK but recently denied by the European Court of Human Rights.


Seven people were killed in a bombing in Peshawar. Pakistani officials claimed Afghan troops crossed the border in Baluchistan and executed two Taliban fighters. Prime Minister Gilani said the government does not allow the US to conduct drone strikes inside Pakistan.


Americans arrested, deported by Bahrain for supporting democracy protests


The Taliban assassinated a senior judge in Nangarhar. Four people were killed in a helicopter crash. Security forces killed seven Taliban fighters and detained 18 more in Kabul, Helmand, Uruzgan, Ghazni, Khost, Paktia, and Herat. A child suicide bomber who was freed has been rearrested.