Yearly Archives: 2012


Russian forces killed Emir Saleh (Ibragimkhalil Daudov), the leader of the Caucasus Emirate’s forces in Dagestan. Saleh is thought to have been replaced by a Turk known as Sheikh Abdusalam.


US Predators killed 19 Taliban and Uzbek fighters in two strikes in North Waziristan. Suicide bombers killed three people in Dir and wounded five policemen in Peshawar.


ISAF detained several “insurgents” during a raid that targeted an Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan commander in Takhar. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters during operations in Kandahar, Khost, Paktika, Logar, Nangahar, and Faryab.


After surviving sectarian mob, Egyptian Christians expelled from village


Syrian opposition struggles to gain traction in Aleppo


Ottawa’s new anti-terrorism strategy lists eco-extremists as threats


The Supreme Judicial Council accused Vice President Hashemi of operating a death squad that was involved in 150 bombings and assassinations since 2005. A police major was killed during a raid that targeted a kidnapping cell in Nasiriyah.


Tariq al Dhabab, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s leader in Rada’a, was killed in a mosque by his brother Hazam. Tariq’s followers killed Hazam at his home. A suicide bomber wounded seven soldiers at a checkpoint in Marib.


The Somali military said that 14 Shabaab fighters were killed during fighting in Garbaharay. The UN Security Council may vote next week to increase the number of African Union forces by 5,700, to reach 17,700 troops total. Refugees are fleeing the Afgoye area and African Union forces have deployed there.


The military reassigned 72 senior generals in response to Boko Haram attacks that have plagued the north. The National Blood Transfusion Service saw blood donations drop by 50 percent in 2011 due to rising violence.

United States

Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian-born “underwear bomber” who tried to blow up an airliner over Detroit on Christmas 2009, has been sentenced to life in prison. The would-be suicide bomber was unrepentant for his role in the plot, which had been approved by al Qaeda ideologue Anwar al Awlaki.