Yearly Archives: 2012


Wife Admits: Slain Iranian Nuke Scientist’s ‘Ultimate Goal Was the Annihilation of Israel’


Obydkhon Sobitkhony a.k.a. Nazarov, an Uzbek imam in northwestern Sweden, was found shot in the head. A police investigation has not yet resulted in any arrests. Nazarov came to Sweden in 2006 after a crackdown on dissidents in the Uzbek city of Andijan.

United States

The Defense Department’s top lawyer, Jeh C. Johnson, stated that US citizens who join al Qaeda or associated terrorist groups can legitimately be targeted. He defined such groups as those that have aligned themselves with al Qaeda and have begun fighting the US and its allies. Johnson also said courts should not be asked to […]

Al Qaeda

Pentagon Says US Citizens With Terrorism Ties Can Be Targeted in Strikes


Unknown “gunmen” killed two security personnel and a civilian in an attack in Abbottabad. The Lashkar-e-Islam killed three people in an IED attack in Khyber.


Afghan Security forces killed eight Afghans during violent protests over the burning of Korans at the Bagram Air Base. Coalition and Afghan security forces captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Helmand and Logar.


The National Security Ministry arrested a number of persons belonging to a terror cell suspected of planning attacks. The suspects, said to be working for Iran’s secret services, had amassed weapons and explosives and gathered intelligence.


US Military: Thousands of troops needed to secure Syrian chemical sites


Security forces detained an Ansar al Sunnah leader in Anbar and 10 wanted men near Kirkuk. Insurgents killed a civilian in Mosul.


Pakistan – Compensation policy sought for civilian victims of terrorism

Al Qaeda

A Growing Following in Germany: The Dangerous Success of Radical Young Clerics


Syrian forces continued their artillery barrage in Homs, killing more that 80 people, including a US journalist and a French photographer. Saudi King Abdullah told Russian President Medvedev that any further dialogue about the Syrian crisis would be fruitless. Russia, China, and Iran reaffirmed their support for Syria.


After two days of talks, the IAEA failed to reach an agreement with Iran on its nuclear program. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei said his country’s nuclear policies would not change. Russia warned that a strike against Iran could have “catastrophic” consequences.


As Syrians flee Homs, sectarian faultlines deepen


Shabaab withdrew from Baidoa after Ethiopian and Somali forces advanced on the city. The terror group also withdrew from Bardale. A Shabaab cleric said that “fathers and mothers must send their unmarried girls to fight alongside the (male) militants.”


Tunisia, Egypt Islamists signal bigger religion role


Several explosions and gunfire were heard in a suburb of Kano, where Boko Haram has been active. The suburb has been cordoned off by security forces, which are thought to be targeting Boko Haram safe houses.


Antiterrorism police broke up a Turkish Hezbollah cell in Terni, arresting nine people. The cell helped Palestinian and Kurdish migrants enter Italy illegally by using fake documents and false allegations of torture in their countries of origin. Turkish Hezbollah seeks to establish a theocracy in Turkey.


Fury in Pakistan After US Congressman Suggests That a Province Leave