Yearly Archives: 2012


US Is Weighing Stronger Action in Syrian Conflict


Syria: Internet and mobile communication ‘cut off’

Zawahiri eulogizes Salafi jihadist killed in Gaza

On Thursday, a message from Ayman al Zawahiri eulogizing Abu al Walid al Maqdisi, a founder of the Tawhid and Jihad Group in Jerusalem and a former leader of the Mujahideen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem, was released to jihadist forums.

United States

A judge set a sentencing date of Jan. 17, 2013 for David Coleman Headley, a US national who conducted surveillance for the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks. Sentencing for his accomplice, Pakistan-born Tahawwur Rana, was moved to Jan. 15. Headley has admitted to all charges and entered a plea bargain to cooperate with the FBI.


Pakistan test fires nuclear-capable ballistic missile


Canadian sentenced to death in Egypt over anti-Islam film says he fears kidnapping


The Taliban killed six civilians in Helmand and five more in Kunar, and also killed three Afghan soldiers in Badghis. Twelve Taliban fighters and two Afghan soldiers were killed during a clash in Laghman. A suicide bomber wounded seven people in Kandahar.


The head of Iran’s Atomic Energy Organization said Iran would continue to enrich uranium for its nuclear program. Talks between Iran and six world powers are expected to resume later this year or in January.


Egypt learns the art of politics amid protests challenging Morsi’s decree


Insurgents killed seven members of a family, including five sleeping children, in Tarmiyah, and two soldiers in Fallujah. A court in Dhi Qhar sentenced al Qaeda in Iraq’s emir for Basrah to death.


Two car bombs exploded in Damascus, killing at least 34 people. Rebels shot down a government jet, the second aircraft shot down in two days. The new opposition coalition held its first meeting to discuss forming a transitional government.


In Egypt and Tunisia, Salafis move from prisons to parliaments


Morsi may have misjudged Egypt’s tolerance of authoritarianism


Protests against President Morsi continued for a second day. Muslim Brotherhood and Salafist parties called for a “million man” rally to support Morsi for Saturday. The committee writing the new constitution said it could complete a draft soon. A court sentenced seven Egyptian Copts to death in absentia for participating in an anti-Islamic video.


“Gunmen” killed a Saudi Army officer and a Yemeni security guard after opening fire on their car in Sana’a. The gunmen were wearing uniforms belonging to the Central Security Forces.


Four Somaliland soldiers and two members of a local militia were killed in Huddun after a clash over an election. Three people in Shalanbod were killed after Shabaab and government forces clashed. The government is dismantling illegal checkpoints in Mogadishu.


UN poised to offer Palestinians ‘non-member observer’ status