Yearly Archives: 2012


New Pakistan extremist movement leaves government powerless to act as it chants ‘Death to America’


Insight: As government-in-waiting, Egypt’s Brotherhood finds voice

United States

A Pennsylvania judge sided with the assailant and dismissed the harassment case of a parade marcher dressed as a “zombie Muhammad” who had been attacked by an irate Muslim. In Oregon, a Saudi Arabian man was jailed after disrupting a flight by fighting with passengers and crew while talking about Osama bin Laden. Guantanamo detainees […]


An Afghan policeman killed two US Army officers in the Interior Ministry; ISAF has withdrawn its advisors from the Afghan ministries. Six Afghan soldiers were killed while attempting to defuse a bomb in Badghis. Security forces captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Khost, and Nangarhar.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed credit for a suicide attack that killed 26 people, including 20 soldiers, at the presidential compound in Mukalla. President Hadi said at his inauguration that the country must continue to fight al Qaeda.

AQAP suicide bomber kills 26 Yemenis

The al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula suicide bomber struck the presidential palace in Mukalla just hours after newly sworn in President Hadi vowed to continue to fight the terror group.


Pakistan – Ahmadi worship centre in Rawalpindi: Locals demand removal of barricades, CCTV cameras


Sheikh Mohammed Said Atom’s forces in Puntland, which have operated under the aegis of Shabaab for years, have officially declared allegiance to the terror group. Shabaab imposed a curfew in Afgoye.


Boko Haram fighters killed 10 civilians and two policemen during a series of bombings and armed clashes in Gombe last night. The terrorists failed to storm a prison and instead destroyed a police station.


A terrorism court handed down sentences ranging from one to six years to 27 men accused of plotting terror attacks. The cell leader was identified as Hicham El Ba, and at least one member of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb is among the group.

Al Qaeda

United Kingdom – Head of state ‘funded al-Qaeda and knew of 7/7 terror attacks’


A suicide assault team from the Abdullah Azzam Brigade killed four policemen in Peshawar. Seven “terrorists” and three soldiers were killed during clashes in Khyber. The Taliban bombed a school in Swabi.


Nine Afghans were killed during riots over the burning of Korans at a US base earlier this week; four were killed while attempting to storm the US consulate in Herat. Afghan forces killed 15 Taliban fighters in Laghman province. The NDS captured several men belonging to three Haqqani Network cells that were plotting attacks in […]

United States

On Jan. 3, US military prosecutors charged Ali Musa Daqduq, a Lebanese Hezbollah operative currently in Iraqi custody, with war crimes including terrorism. Daqduq worked with Iran’s Quds Force operatives to establish terror cells in Iraq, and is linked to the killing of five US soldiers in 2007. The US is seeking his transfer to […]


Sixty-five percent of eligible voters cast ballots for Vice President Abed Hadi to succeed President Saleh; Hadi was the only candidate on the ballot. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commander Fahd al Quso threatened to attack Islah for being a tool of of the US.


The IAEA said Iran was rapidly expanding its production of enriched uranium. Some US and European officials discounted reports that Iran and al Qaeda have stepped up cooperation.