Yearly Archives: 2012


Foiled Delhi blast: Homegrown jihadis Lashkar’s latest weapon


Security forces arrested two Lashkar-e-Taiba operatives in New Delhi. “They were planning to detonate a bomb or more than one bomb in a crowded locality,” India’s home minister said.


A court acquitted Lal Masjid cleric Maulana Abdullah Aziz of two counts of treason for supporting the Taliban in South Waziristan and inciting against the military. The Lashkar-e-Islam killed a woman and a child in a bombing in Khyber. NATO aircraft reportedly violated Pakistani airspace over South Waziristan.


A suicide bomber wounded six Afghans in Helmand. NATO said the Koran riots have not affected the security transition.


Insurgents killed two soldiers and two policemen in Touz Khormato, three civilians in Baghdad, and a soldier in Mosul. The spokesman for the government said more than 69,000 Iraqis were killed during the insurgency between 2004 and 2011.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula claimed the Feb. 25 suicide bombing at a presidential compound in Mukalla that killed 28 Yemenis. AQAP said that it would “”come after this American project,” referring to the Yemeni government.


Heavy fighting raged in the Baba Amr district of Homs; its status remains unclear. Helicopter gunships fired on civilians. The UN said up to 100 civilians per day have been killed.


Egypt lifted a travel ban on 43 nongovernmental organization employees, including 19 Americans, on trial for receiving illicit foreign funding. The defendants would each have to post $330,000 bail.


The manager of Radio Somaliweyn was gunned down in front of his home in Mogadishu. Abdullahi Mohamed Saeed, a former member of parliament, was murdered at a market in Galkayo.


Iraq hails improving Saudi security ties


Iran’s underground nuclear sites not immune to US bunker-busters, experts say

United Kingdom

Samantha Lewthwaite, the widow of London tube bomber Jermaine Lindsay, is being sought by Kenyan authorities for ties to a Shabaab cell. Along with Habib Ghani, also from the UK, she is thought to be linked to Jermaine Grant, who was arrested with explosives in Mombasa in December.

Taliban claim CIA ‘fabricated’ truce letter from Mullah Omar

The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan issued a formal denial of a letter calling for a ceasefire that was purportedly signed by Mullah Omar. Instead, the Taliban vowed to “intensify its operations against the Americans, their allies and their despicable internal supporters and [to] continue unabatedly with its sacred Jihad.”

United States

The Obama administration created sweeping exceptions to a Congressional rule that had prescribed military custody for non-US citizens linked to al Qaeda and involved in terror plots against the US and allies. High-value Guantanamo detainee Majid Khan pled guilty to terrorism charges as part of a plea deal that limits his sentence to a maximum […]

Al Qaeda

New rules issued on when FBI, not military, keeps custody of al-Qaida suspects arrested in US


“Gunmen” opened fire on a bus in Kohistan, killing 18 Shia passengers. Four Pakistani soldiers and 10 Taliban fighters were killed during a clash in South Waziristan.


The Taliban killed seven civilians in a bombing in Helmand. France and Germany have withdrawn advisers from Afghan ministries while the UN has withdrawn personnel from Kunduz.


Insurgents killed seven Iraqis in Baghdad and another in Fallujah. Asaib al Haq, the Iranian-backed terror group, has released the body of US Army Sergeant Ahmed al Taie to the Iraqi government.


The Yemeni military reportedly gave al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula one week to leave the cities of Zinjibar and Jaar or face an assault. A general from Taiz accused of killing civilians during protests has fled to Egypt.