Yearly Archives: 2012


Netanyahu Tells Obama – No Israeli Decision on Iran Attack


The Taliban killed two civilians in a suicide bombing at Bagram Air Base and an Afghan intelligence official in another suicide bombing in Jalalabad. Afghan clerics have issued Taliban-like guidelines for women.


Iraq and Saudi Arabia show signs of improved relations after years of strain


President Ahmadinejad suffered a defeat in parliamentary elections as Ayatollah Ali Khamenei loyalists made substantial gains, winning over 75 percent of the seats. An Iranian court overturned the death sentence for an American accused of spying.


Saudi, Qatari plans to arm Syrian rebels risk overtaking cautious approach favored by US


The Syrian military expanded its crackdown after eliminating the opposition in the Baba Amr district of Homs. China urged an end to violence but rejected any outside interference. Saudi Arabia said Syrians had a right to take up arms against the regime. US Senator McCain called for airstrikes.


Al Qaeda militants serious threat as Yemen transitions away from Saleh


The more than 60 Yemeni soldiers who were captured by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula yesterday have been taken to Jaar and are being forced to train AQAP fighters on heavy weaponry that was seized. Yemeni and US aircraft reportedly struck the AQAP camps.


Shabaab fighters beheaded three young men who were accused of spying. The spokesman for the Kenyan military said his country would stay in Somalia until it is stable, but also indicated forces may be withdrawn by Oct. 31.


Three policemen were killed by “gunmen” in Kano, where Boko Haram has attacked security forces in the past. A senior US official said that the US will consider providing security assistance to Nigeria.


Iraq Sunni tribes warn against arming Syrian opposition