Yearly Archives: 2012


Last week, Ansar Dine sent reinforcements to fight Tuareg rebels in Gao; the move was in violation of an agreement with ECOWAS. The African Union urged the UN to move immediately and approve military intervention against Islamist fighters in northern Mali.


Muslim Brotherhood Powers Through Opposition in Egypt


Israeli Success in Downing Hamas Rockets Has World’s Attention

Boko Haram emir praises al Qaeda

Abubakar-Shekau.jpgAbubakar Shekau said he and his fighters support jihad in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kashmir, Chechnya, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Algeria, Libya, and Mali.

United States

Defense Secretary Panetta said al Qaeda “continues to show up” in Afghanistan, where it is “looking for some kind of capability,” and that the US will continue to wage a counterterrorism mission against al Qaeda in Afghanistan after 2014. The Senate approved the imposition of new sanctions on Iran, to be added to the annual […]


Forgotten past: In the throes of neglect, Swat’s Buddhist heritage continues to crumble


Qatar sentences poet to life in prison for criticizing emir


US drones killed three “militants” in a strike in South Waziristan; the strike is the first in Pakistan in 36 days. Mullah Nazir was wounded in a suicide attack in Wana in South Waziristan; six people were killed in the blast.


The Taliban killed 10 civilians in a bus bombing in Uruzgan, four civilians in an IED attack in Ghazni, and one child in a bombing in Khost. Three Taliban fighters in Zabul reconciled with the government.


The military captured Suleiman Hassan Muhammad Morshid Awadh, who was described as a “dangerous” al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commander, during a raid in Zinjibar. Security forces offered a $25,000 reward for information leading to the capture of the murderer of a Saudi officer.


Without Iran’s support, Assad regime will collapse: report

Palestinian Territories

The UN General Assembly voted to recognize a Palestinian sovereign state. The vote upgraded the Palestinian Authority from “non-member observer entity” to “non-member observer state.”


Syrian rebels start using missiles


Heavy fighting raged around the Damascus airport. Road access to the airport was cut and flights were suspended. The government shut down Internet access to the country.


Egypt’s Morsi escalates crisis, raising fears of a ‘second revolution’


The Islamist-dominated committee writing the new constitution voted to approve a first draft. The committee aimed to pre-empt a court ruling that could dissolve their panel and defuse tensions over President Morsi’s grant of new powers.


Somali and Kenyan troops battled Shabaab forces as they advanced on Burdhubo. A Somali solider killed one person after opening fire on a bus in Mogadishu.


In a videotaped message, Abu Mosaab Abdulwadood, a leader of Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, urged Malians to reject foreign intervention and accused France of trying to divide Muslims in the country. Prior to its recent takeover of the town of Lere, the al Qaeda-linked Ansar Dine gave the Tuareg MNLA an ultimatum to […]

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

AQIM has appointed a Mauritanian, Mohamed Lemine Ould Hacen, to head its Al Vourghan brigade; Yahya Abou El Hammam, an Algerian, has been promoted to Sahara emir. The Timbuktu-based brigade often clashes with the Mauritanian Army near the Malian border. Ould Hacen will also serve as AQIM spokesman for its southern region, which includes northern […]

Al Qaeda

The Bin Laden conglomerate “wants to turn Mecca into Las Vegas”