Yearly Archives: 2012


US Predators killed 13 “militants” in a strike in South Waziristan. The Taliban killed seven Pakistani soldiers in North Waziristan and a tribal militia leader in Arakzai, and threatened the military and government if Osama bin Laden’s widows are not freed from prison. Prime Minister Gilani named the new chief of the ISI.


Analysis: Eyeing Iran, Israel focuses on the day after


Culture war brews between new Islamist movement and secularists in post-revolution Tunisia


The US agreed to transfer control of the Parwan Detention Facility to the Afghan government in six months. The Taliban killed a civilian in a bombing at a Sufi shrine in Kandahar. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Helmand, Khost, Paktia, Wardak, and Laghman.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula announced the death of Mohamed Ahmed al Haniq, the commander for forces in Arhab in Lahj province. Haniq died of natural causes. One of his sons died fighting US forces in Iraq, another was killed in a US airstrike in Yemen.


Shia Houthi rebels killed a military officer and six bodyguards in an attack at a checkpoint in Amran. Yemeni troops returned fire, killing three Houthi fighters.


Israel launched an airstrike in Gaza, killing Zuheir al-Qessi, leader of the Popular Resistance Committees, the organization that captured former IDF soldier Gilad Shalit. A second airstrike killed two members of Islamic Jihad as they prepared to fire rockets into Israel.


In the largest demonstration in the past year, tens of thousands of Bahrainis marched demanding democratic reforms. The march was in response to the urging of a Shia cleric for people to renew their calls for greater democracy.


“Gunmen” killed a civilian and wounded three policemen in an attack on a police station in Kano. British special forces carried out the failed raid that resulted in the deaths of a British and an Italian hostage.

Al Qaeda

Hostage tragedy: Nigeria is in danger of turning into a blood-soaked African Pakistan


On Iran Nuclear Effort, 2 Questions Split U.S. and Israel

United States

FBI Director Mueller warned Congress the US must act swiftly to counter the rising threat of cyberattacks by terrorist groups. “Terrorists have shown interest in pursuing hacking skills,” he stated. Recently he noted a terrorist recruitment video that claimed “cyberwarfare will be the warfare of the future.”