Yearly Archives: 2012


Ethiopian troops will withdraw from Baidoa and Beledweyne in April, and will be replaced by 2,500 Djiboutian, Burundian, and Ugandan soldiers. Shabaab ambushed Kenyan troops between Taabta and Qoqani; five Shabaab fighters and several Kenyan troops were killed.


The death toll in yesterday’s grenade attack at a bus station in Nairobi has risen to seven. Security forces detained four suspected Shabaab fighters, including foreigners.


Israel’s ‘Iron Dome’ system isn’t enough protection


Muslim Brotherhood Leader Rises as Egypt’s Decisive Voice


Sahara adventurer released after capture by Libyan militia


Iran stands by Syria, blames US for unrest


Pakistan – Parliamentary watchdog: PAC poised to return with JUI-F man at the helm


Attacks in Gaza continued for a third day. Israeli airstrikes have killed 18 people, while Palestinian rocket attacks on Israel injured four. Israel has intercepted over 40, or 80%, of the rockets this weekend; one landed in a schoolyard. Islamic Jihad and the PRC are believed to have launched the rockets.


Two al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed in a premature detonation in Mudiyah in Abyan province. Security forces arrested four Shabaab fighters in Mudiyah.


Shabaab claimed that 81 Ethiopian soldiers, including a colonel, were killed during yesterday’s fighting near Luuq. Shabaab also claimed the US Treasury is initiating the shutdown of its Twitter page.


A Boko Haram suicide bomber killed three civilians in a bombing outside of a church in Jos. The suicide bomber was stopped before he could enter the compound. Boko Haram claimed credit for the attack.

Al Qaeda

My 130 days in the hands of al-Qaeda’s African “monsters”, by former hostage


Our big mistake was to assume we had won, says British ambassador to Afghanistan


How spies used Facebook to steal NATO chiefs’ details