Yearly Archives: 2012


Australian ‘special forces gathering intelligence in Africa’


Italian and British officials arrested a man in Sardinia and a woman in London who are suspected of planning to bomb a Milan synagogue. The man, a 20-year-old Moroccan, is thought to have been planning other attacks also.


The Taliban killed six members of a tribal militia in a bombing in Bajaur and bombed a school in Nowshera. “Terrorists” killed a girl and wounded seven policemen in an attack in Peshawar.


The Taliban killed nine civilians in bombings in Kandahar and Helmand. Afghan troops killed seven Taliban fighters in Herat. US Marines were disarmed for a meeting with Defense Secretary Leon Panetta. The US Army sergeant who murdered 17 Afghan civilians has been flown out of the country.


Iraqiya List concerned about Iraqi, Iranian and Lebanese armed groups backing up Assad regime


Skeptics doubt US can be certain about Iran’s nuclear progress


Syrian army troops took control of the northwestern city of Idlib and began attacks on the southern city of Daarah. Saudi Arabia has closed its embassy. Russia said President Assad was too slow in making reforms.

United States

A district court convicted Afghan citizen Haji Bagcho of drug and terrorism charges. From his base in Nangarhar province, he sold 20% of the world’s heroin in 2006, and provided cash, weapons, and supplies to the Taliban. Bagcho was arrested in Pakistan in 2009, turned over to Afghanistan, and extradited to the US.


Yemeni Salafists formed a political party. President Hadi replaced the commanders of several key military units. Former President Saleh demanded that 10 of his political opponents go into exile along with him.


A Shabaab suicide bomber killed four people in an attack in the presidential palace compound in Mogadishu. Shabaab claimed the attack was carried out to take revenge “for the defilement & desecration” of Korans.


The “mastermind” of the kidnapping and murder of two Europeans died in custody. Police said that Ali Mohammed was the leader of a Boko Haram splinter group in Sokoto.


Deadly Mosque Arson in Belgium Attributed to Sunni-Shiite Friction


Cyber-attack on BBC leads to suspicion of Iran’s involvement