Yearly Archives: 2012


Al Qaeda in Iraq claimed credit for a series of bombings and attacks across the country on March 19 that killed 46 Iraqis. AQI said the target was the “fool government preparing” for next week’s Arab League summit in Baghdad.


Shabaab claimed it killed a Somali intelligence official in Mogadishu and warned civilians to stay away from government buildings and AMISOM bases. Ethiopian forces and Shabaab fighters clashed in Baidoa.


Boko Haram said it would not participate in further talks with the government and that it would continue to wage jihad to establish sharia law in the country. “We have closed all possible doors for negotiation,” said spokesman Abu Qaqa.


In Toulouse, authorities are trying to arrest Mohamed Merah, a suspect in the killing of seven people. Merah admitted to police negotiators that he trained with al Qaeda in Pakistan and wanted to “avenge” Palestinians and punish the French military for its role in Afghanistan. In Paris, a bomb exploded outside the Indonesian embassy; no […]


Forty-six Iraqis were killed in a series of suicide attacks and car bombings in Karbala, Kirkuk, Baghdad, and other cities. Security forces detained a senior al Qaeda in Iraq leader in Baqubah.


Security forces said they captured six Somalis in Abyan who were working with al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. The Red Cross visited 72 Yemeni soldiers who are currently in AQAP custody after being captured in Al Koud two weeks ago.


Shabaab and Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’a battled in Dhuso Mareb; Shabaab claimed it killed 15 ASWJ fighters; AWSJ claimed it killed more than 100 Shabaab fighters. Somali forces took control of the town of Dif on the Kenyan border.


Authorities believe the same gunman who shot three French soldiers last week also murdered three children and a rabbi at a Jewish school in Toulouse and filmed the school murders. France’s terrorism alert is at its highest level.