Yearly Archives: 2012


Egyptian army takes on Islamists to retain power


Six people were killed during clashes between Shabaab and Kenyan forces in Hosingo. Shabaab assassinated a senior commander in the Criminal Investigation Department in Mogadishu. Shabaab fighters and commanders in Galgala are said to be defecting.


Security forces killed four Boko Haram fighters in Maiduguri. President Goodluck Jonathan claimed that the Boko Haram will be defeated “in the middle of this year.”


Afghanistan – Economic Development Requires Better Security: Foreign Minister


Syria authorities target children, says UN rights chief

9/11 plotter spotted in Mir Ali

Ahmed Siddiqui said he met Said Bahaji, a fellow German who was a member of the 9/11 Hamburg Cell, in the terrorist haven in Pakistan’s Taliban-controlled tribal agency of North Waziristan.


Pakistan – In post-insurgency Swat, women forced to wear the pants in the family


Ahmad Wali Siddiqui, the German-Afghan al Qaeda operative whose capture in Kabul disrupted planned terror attacks in Europe, told a court that in 2010 he met with Younis al Mauretani and Said Bahaji in Mir Ali, Pakistan; Bahaji is an al Qaeda propagandist who helped facilitate the 9/11 attacks. Siddiqui also said he met the […]


The day after being sentenced to prison for making death threats, Ansar al Islam founder Mullah Krekar was arrested for issuing more threats. His latest targets reportedly include Norwegian interests abroad, police officers, and a former prime minister.


Police arrested “M.H.A.”, a key al Qaeda operative, in Valencia. “He was known in the heart of the terrorist organization as ‘al Qaeda’s librarian’,” the interior minister said. The suspect worked with al Qaeda affiliates AQAP and AQIM and also recruited and sent extremists to Afghanistan.


Authorities in northeastern Italy arrested 13 Kurds with links to a Kurdistan Workers’ Party cell suspected of extorting funds from other Kurds for insurgent activities. Investigators from Venice, Rome, Padua, Udine, Modena, and Pesaro had been tracking the cell.


Obama’s Over-Hasty Withdrawal: Iraq Is Neither Sovereign, Stable nor Self-Reliant


Security forces killed the top IMU commander in Afghanistan and several Taliban fighters and commanders. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south and are ejecting Afghans from their homes in Nuristan. HIG suspended peace talks with the government.


Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood faces sharp internal divisions over presidential race


Security forces arrested seven al Qaeda in Iraq fighters in Suwaira in Wasit province. The government approved the payment of $560 million from oil companies to the Kurdish Regional Government.


The Syrian government accepted a peace plan sponsored by the UN and the Arab League. Unlike previous attempts, this plan has the backing of Russia and China. Nevertheless, heavy fighting continued. The UN said 9,000 have died so far.


Security forces arrested six Somalis who are thought to be members of Shabaab during a raid in Zinjibar. Unknown “gunmen” attacked a prison in Aden as riots inside the jail were underway.


The Central Investigations Department said it arrested a British passport holder at Mogadishu airport. The Brit was attempting to join Shabaab in Kismayo. The European Union extended its counter-piracy mission up until December 2014.


Security forces detained five men, including a Mauritanian, who are suspected of having ties to al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb; the men are linked to the kidnapping of a German. Boko Haram fighters killed two retired prison officers in Maiduguri; one of the men is reportedly the father of Abul Qaqa, the group’s spokesman.


Forced Religious Conversions Hike Pakistan Minorities’ Fears