Yearly Archives: 2012


Police arrested 19 suspected Islamic extremists during raids in Toulouse, Nantes, and Paris. Among those detained are the leader and several members of the banned group Forsane Alizza. President Sarkozy said more raids would follow.


US drones killed four “militants” in Miramshah in North Waziristan. Twenty-one Taliban fighters and two Pakistani soldiers were killed during clashes in Arakzai.


An Afghan policeman killed nine officers in Paktika. The US said a former governor is responsible for ordering a suicide attack that killed two soldiers and another attack that targeted diplomats. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in the south. Security forces captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Kandahar, Helmand, Khost, and Logar.


US officials think Israel has been granted access to airbases in Azerbaijan, providing a potential staging area for an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Azerbaijani officials denied they had done so.


The US killed five AQAP fighters and a civilian in two drone strikes in Azzan. “Militants” blew up an LNG pipeline north of Balhalf, a major LNG terminal. The US issued a travel warning to American citizens “due to terrorist activities and civil unrest.”


Fighting continued in Syria despite a UN-sponsored peace deal. Rebels stepped up a campaign to assassinate military officials. Kofi Annan said Assad’s forces must be first to cease fire and withdraw. US Secretary of State Clinton and Saudi King Abdullah met to discuss raising the pressure on the Syrian regime.


Egypt military looking to keep its grip at least on economy


Amid fresh diplomacy, U.S. still wary of direct Syria role


Israeli security forces fired rubber bullets, tear gas, and stun grenades to break up Palestinian demonstrations at the annual “Land Day” rallies. One Palestinian died.


Islamists find foothold in Syria revolt


Ransom payments and terror: how freeing hostages helped a Taliban leader who threatens the UK


Human Rights Watch accused Ethiopian forces and pro-government militias Ahlu Sunnah Wal Jama’a and Shabelle Valley of executing seven people in Beledweyne and Baidoa. African Union forces captured the Daynille district in Mogadishu.


Boko Haram fighters killed four people and robbed a bank in Askira in Borno state. The US said it would boost aid to northern Nigeria.

United Kingdom

A court ruled that the government must return the passport of Hill Al-Jedda, an Iraqi. Jedda was arrested and imprisoned in Iraq from 2004 to 2007 for facilitating an explosives expert’s entry into Iraq as well as serving as a terrorist recruiter. The government stripped him of his citizenship in 2007.


Detachment 88 said that Frederic C. Jean Salvi, a French citizen, orchestrated the March 21 bombing at the French embassy in Jakarta. Salvi reportedly studied at a madrassa and is linked to Islamist terrorists in Indonesia.


More than 30 Taliban, seven Afghan security guards, and two Afghan soldiers were killed after the Taliban ambushed a NATO convoy in Farah. The Taliban killed an ISAF soldier in the south.


The al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters who kidnapped a Swiss woman have demanded the release of the wives of Osama bin Laden from Pakistani custody. AQAP also wants Iraq and Saudi Arabia to free women from custody.


President Assad said he would cooperate with the UN peace plan if rebels halted violence. The opposition said it would cooperate with the plan only if Assad’s forces halted violence. Arab League leaders called for its immediate implementation. Iran also backed the plan.