Yearly Archives: 2012

United States

Agron Hasbajram, an Albanian citizen residing in Brooklyn, N.Y., pled guilty to a terrorism charge, admitting he had tried to travel to Pakistan to join a jihadist group. He also sent money abroad to fund terror activity in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and had contact with a group in Pakistan that claimed to have murdered US […]


Afghan commandos backed by ISAF forces killed 25 Taliban fighters in Kamdesh in Nuristan province. The Taliban denied the claim, and said only eight of its fighters and 30 Afghan troops were killed.


A ceasefire between the Assad regime and opponents held for a second day although some violence continued. The opposition staged protests across the country. UN observers readied to deploy to Syria for a monitoring mission once the Security Council gives its approval.

North Korea

North Korea’s launch of a long-range rocket failed soon after takeoff. The UN Security Council condemned the launch. The US canceled food aid to North Korea. Japan said it would consider economic sanctions. Russia urged restraint. China urged calm. North Korea promoted Kim Jong-un to a top military post.


Insurgents killed seven Shia pilgrims in an attack on a bus in Samarra. A court sentenced two men to death and another to life in prison for a bombing in Al Kut last year.


The military said that 31 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and three tribesmen were killed during fighting in and around Lawdar in Abyan province. Fighting in Lawdar has entered its fifth day.


The Danish Navy freed 12 hostages and captured 16 pirates while raiding a mothership off the coast of Somalia. The mayor of Mogadishu threatened to “eradicate” journalists from Shabelle.


Ansar al Dine, an Islamist Tuareg militia, and al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb are recruiting children to wage jihad in northern Mali. The groups have been distributing food and medical aid to families.


Four Swedish residents charged with plotting an attack on a Danish newspaper pled not guilty to terror charges. The Danish crown prince was at the newspaper offices on the day of the planned attack. Prosecutors allege that the suspects have links to terror groups in Pakistan, and may have trained there.


Australia-Afghan Strategic Agreement Drafted for NATO Summit


Exclusive: Iran ships off radar as Tehran conceals oil sales


No Afghan ‘security vacuum’ after 2014: NATO chief

United States

Tarek Mehanna, a pharmacy graduate from Boston who had traveled to Yemen for terror training, aspired to jihad, and posted al Qaeda videos and publications online, was convicted of conspiring to help al Qaeda and to commit murder abroad. He was sentenced to 17 and a half years in prison and seven years of supervised […]


Followers of Salafist imam Ibrahim Abou Nagie have distributed 300,000 Korans in an effort to have a Koran in “every household in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.” Nagie was indicted last fall for inciting crime and disturbing religious peace. A video produced by a Nagie associate that personally threatened journalists who reported critically on the Koran […]


Taliban encourage religious school students to war: Chief of Baghlan Police


A suicide bomber killed three civilians and two policemen in Kunduz. ISAF killed an IMU facilitator in Faryab; four civilians were killed during protests over the raid. Police captured the Taliban’s district governor for Burka in Baghlan. President Karzai said he may step down before his term ends in 2014.


Afghanistan – NDS Quashes Rumours it Accused Local Media of Pakistan, Iran Ties