Yearly Archives: 2012


Security forces killed an IMU leader and several fighters in Takhar, and killed and captured several Taliban commanders and fighters in Helmand, Khost, Paktia, Logar, and Wardak. The son of Burhuddin Rabbani has been named the new leader of the Afghan High Peace Council.


Iran, the US, and five other countries began talks in Turkey over Iran’s nuclear program, the first such meeting in one and a half years. The first day’s meeting was described as “constructive,” “positive,” and “completely different” from the previous meeting.


Insurgents killed two Iraqi policemen in an IED attack in Khaldiyah in Anbar province. Two members of the election commission were detained on corruption charges.


Syria ceasefire: five potential stumbling blocks


The ceasefire held for a third day, although some shelling was reported. The UN Security Council approved a resolution to send an observer mission to Syria.


Pakistan – Weapon infiltration: Alert sounded on mobile phone guns


Afghan war whistleblower Daniel Davis: ‘I had to speak out – lives are at stake’


US drones killed 21 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in two separate strikes on April 11 and today. Yemeni troops killed 28 AQAP fighters near Lawdar. Five soldiers and eight AQAP fighters were killed in Aden.


Shabaab hit the airport and state house in Baidoa with mortars. US-born Shabaab commander Omar Hammami is rumored to have been executed by Shabaab.


Sudan’s army attacked the disputed town of Heglig in order to oust South Sudanese forces from the oil-producing area. The South Sudan army said it repelled the attack.


“Gunmen” killed two people near a soccer match in Potiskum just days after Boko Haram warned people not to attend such events. The spokesman for the Niger Delta Liberation Force said it would “resist violently” any attempt by Boko Haram to assassinate President Goodluck.


The justice minister ordered the extradition of Hassan Diab, an Ottawa sociology professor, who will face questioning in France about his alleged role in the bombing of a Paris synagogue in 1980 that killed four people. French officials have not yet brought charges against him.


Revisiting foreign policy: US ready to talk – but end to drone strikes unlikely