Yearly Archives: 2012


Shabaab warned the British government that it would “be held accountable for the consequences of its actions” if Abu Qatada is deported to Jordan. Security officials said the government detained 50 Shabaab fighters in Mogadishu.


Boko Haram fighters killed two people in a shooting in Maiduguri and wounded three more in an IED attack in Kano. Security forces arrested 50 foreign nationals from Niger, Chad, and Mali after Boko Haram threatened the government.


Canada – Border staff cuts called direct attack on national security l

United Kingdom

The Labour party suspended life peer Lord Ahmed for allegedly saying he would offer a bounty on President Obama and former President George W. Bush in retaliation for the US bounty on Lashkar-e-Taiba founder Hafiz Saeed. Shabaab echoed al Qaeda and the Islamic State of Iraq in warning Britain not to deport Abu Qatada to […]

United States

The trial of Adis Medunjanin, a co-conspirator with Najibullah Zazi and Zarein Ahmedzay in a 2009 plot to bomb New York City’s subways, opened today. All three had gone to Pakistan for jihad in Afghanistan, but were told by two senior al Qaeda operatives to return to New York and conduct operations there. Medunjanin was […]


New Arab order: In Morocco, uproar over marriage law tests Islamist government


Iranian officials ‘observed North Korean rocket launch’


The Taliban assaulted a prison in Bannu and freed nearly 400 inmates, including Adnan Rasheed, who was involved with an assassination attempt of president Pervez Musharraf. Two soldiers were wounded in a suicide attack in South Waziristan.


Syrian troops resumed their shelling of residential neighborhoods, threatening a fragile ceasefire. The UN Security Council unanimously approved a resolution sending up to 250 observers to Syria.


US drones reportedly killed a senior al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commander in Baydah province. AQAP killed three children in an IED attack in Aden.


In a surprise move, Egyptian election officials barred 10 of of 23 candidates from running in upcoming presidential elections. Those disqualified included a former spy chief in the Mubarak regime, a Muslim Brotherhood candidate, and a Salafi cleric.


Somali forces claimed to have defeated Shabaab in the southern district of Afmadow; seven Shabaab fighters were said to have been killed. Several members of Prime Minister Abdiweli’s security detail are reported to have been detained for involvement in a suicide attack at a theater in Mogadishu.


Boko Haram reportedly executed Mohammed Anwal Kontagora, its new spokesman. Kontagora, who assumed the name of Abu Qaqa, is said to had been killed for plans to defect.


Gunmen abducted a Swiss woman, who worked as a Christian missionary, from her home in Timbuktu today. Most Westerners have already fled the town, which was recently taken over by Islamists.


Supplies for Assad: German Ship Carrying Weapons Stopped Near Syria