Yearly Archives: 2012


Tajikistan says Russia is main partner, rejects foreign offers


Australia announced that it would withdraw its forces by the end of 2013. More than 140 schoolgirls were poisoned in Takhar province. The Taliban killed two Afghan soldiers in an IED attack in Nimroz. Security forces killed and captured several Taliban fighters in Kandahar, Wardak, and Paktia.

North Korea

North Korea said it was no longer bound by an agreement with the US for a moratorium on missile and nuclear tests. The US said it was looking at “all options” to prevent North Korea from conducting more nuclear weapon tests. North Korea’s new leader Kim Jong-un vowed to keep the ‘military first.’


The six-day-old ceasefire broke down as government forces renewed military offensives across the country. More than 50 people were reported killed.


An al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula suicide bomber killed three people in Abyan. AQAP threatened to kill the Saudi diplomat who was kidnapped on March 28.


A suicide bomber attacked a security headquarters in Baidoa, killing one official. Shabaab claimed three Ethiopian soldiers and two Somali troops were killed in the suicide attack.


South Sudan said it would hold its position in a contested oil field it seized from Sudan. Sudan it would not be deterred from recapturing the oilfield.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

Ansar al Din is said to be planning to name al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb leader Yahya About al Hammam as the emir of Timbuktu. Hammam was recently spotted in Timbuktu with two other top AQIM leaders.


Syrian Regime Bleeding Cash as Cease-fire is Threatened


Soldiers from the Joint Task Force killed one Boko Haram fighter and detained 13 others during raids in the northern city of Maiduguri. Troops also found IEDs and weapons.

United Kingdom

The government chose not to appeal the European Court of Human Rights ruling that blocked the deportation of Islamist cleric Abu Qatada to Jordan. Home Secretary May said the deportation process would be resumed, however, as Jordan has assured her he will be treated fairly there. Authorities arrested Qatada today, but appeals against his deportation […]


No evidence yet that Kabul attacks were planned on Pakistan soil: US CJCS Dempsey


Pakistan – CID proposes bounties worth millions on notorious militants


Thirty-Six Taliban fighters, eight Afghan security personnel, and three civilians were killed during the Taliban’s coordinated assault in Kabul and three provinces. US and Afghan officials said the Haqqani Network was behind the attack. ISAF troops killed an Afghan soldier after he opened fire on a convoy in Kandahar.


US drones killed five al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a strike in Azzan in Shabwa province. AQAP is in control of Shabwa. Forty inmates were wounded during riots at a prison in Hajjah.