Yearly Archives: 2012


In Gaza, Hamas rule has not turned out as many expected


India tests nuclear-capable missile that can reach China

United States

Guantanamo detainee Omar Khadr submitted a formal request for transfer to Canada. He has been eligible for transfer since pleading guilty last fall to war crimes committed in Afghanistan in 2002. The Canadian government regards Khadr as a dangerous terrorist and has moved slowly on the potential transfer.


Reprehensible that Pakistan’s ISI maintains ties with Haqqani network: Senator John McCain

Al Qaeda

Pakistan has no connection with terrorist organisations: Sherry Rehman


Twenty-three Taliban fighters were killed during operations in Nangarhar, Logar, and Zabul. Nighty-eight insurgents reconciled with the government in Ghor and Badakhshan.


Officials said that six al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed in airstrikes in Lawdar and four more were killed in Ja’ar. Pakistan has delayed the deportation of Osama bin Laden’s wives and children to Yemen.


A suicide bomber killed two Somali soldiers in Baidoa. Kenyan troops are reported to be advancing on Afmadow. Ethiopia said it would soon begin withdrawing its troops from Somalia.


The US said that Boko Haram is planning to conduct attacks in Abuja, “including against hotels frequently visited by Westerners.” “Gunmen” killed a police inspector and a former customs official in Maiduguri.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

An Italian woman who was kidnapped by al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb in southern Algeria in February 2011 has been freed. No details have been released on the ransom paid by the Italian government.


Macedonia: Mysterious ‘army’ threatens ‘liberation of Albanian lands’


Jonas Fikre, a US citizen born in Eritrea, claimed he was arrested, tortured, and interrogated in the United Arab Emirates at the request of the US. Fikre had attended a Portland mosque linked to terror activity in the US and Afghanistan. He moved to Sudan in 2009 and then to the UAE; since his release […]

United Kingdom

Radical Islamist cleric Abu Qatada filed an immediate appeal to the European Court of Human Rights against the deportation order issued yesterday by the UK, delaying his possible deportation. He contends the UK erred in deciding he would be treated fairly by Jordan if he were to be deported there.


Several nations trying to penetrate US cyber-networks, says ex-FBI official