Yearly Archives: 2012


The military claimed that 27 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed during clashes and airstrikes in Zinjibar and Lawdar. Two soldiers were killed during fighting near Zinjibar. The Interior Ministry said that AQAP is planning a suicide assault on the LNG plant in Balhaf.


In the biggest demonstration in months, thousands gathered in Tahrir Square to protest against the ruling military. The protest followed an Egyptian election commission decision to disqualify 10 candidates from participating in upcoming presidential elections.


South Sudan withdrew from a disputed oil field, averting a potential war with Sudan. Sudan declared victory, saying its armed forces had “liberated” the area.


Burundian forces captured the Daynille airstrip in Mogadishu. One person was killed in a mortar attack in the capital. Two Shabaab commanders in Qoqani defected to the government.

United Kingdom

In a pre-planned operation, counterterrorism officials arrested three men, aged 33-39, at Heathrow airport who were returning from Oman. The men, who are suspected of possessing materials intended “for terrorist purposes overseas,” are residents of Birmingham.

Escaped Pakistani terrorist seen on Taliban video

The Taliban released video of Adnan Rasheed, a terrorist involved in an assassination attempt against former President Musharraf who was among the nearly 400 prisoners to have escaped a prison in Pakistan’s northwest.

United States

Two Uighurs held at Guantanamo for over 10 years were released and resettled in El Salvador. Three Uighurs remain in detention. The US has refused China’s request to repatriate freed Uighur detainees to China, because they would face persecution there.


Security forces killed 25 Taliban fighters and detained four more in Kabul, Nangarhar, Baghlan, Kunduz, Balkh, Helmand, Zabul, Logar, Ghazni, and Farah. An ISAF helicopter crashed in the southwest; four US soldiers are thought to have died. NATO called on China and Russia to help fund Afghan security forces.

South Korea

Seoul boasts of missile able to hit anywhere in North Korea


Sudan declares war on South Sudan: Will this draw in East Africa, and China?


Al Qaeda in Iraq killed 36 people in bombings and suicide attacks in 10 cities throughout the country. Hezbollah commander Musa Ali Daqduq is expected to be freed from Iraqi custody, his lawyer said.


The eight-day-old ceasefire between government forces and the opposition continued to deteriorate. Syria and the United Nations signed an agreement for a UN observer mission. The US called for tougher sanctions.


The crisis over South Sudan’s occupation of a disputed oilfield escalated. Sudan’s president vowed to teach South Sudan a “final lesson by force” and said the recent violence had “revived the spirit of jihad” in Sudan. South Sudan accused Sudan of planning genocide. Southern Sudan repelled several ground attacks.


The CIA wants to expand the drone campaign in Yemen, including the use of “signature strikes” against groups of armed fighters. Yemen LNG plans to restart exports in May after its infrastructure was attacked in March.


Sahbi Zalouti, one of four defendants accused of plotting a terror attack on a Danish newspaper, testified that a co-defendant, Mounir Dhari, had received orders while in Pakistan to “kill as many as possible” in Denmark. The defendants had also planned attacks on other Danish targets.