Yearly Archives: 2012


The NDS detained three Pakistani Taliban fighters and two Afghans involved in a major plot to attack Kabul; 10,000 kilograms of explosives were also seized. Security forces targeted an IMU leader in Baghlan.


Insurgents killed four civilians in a pair of bombings in Baghdad. Prime Minister Maliki said Turkey is becoming a “hostile state” after Prime Minister Erdogan accused him of fanning sectarian tensions.


The Security Council unanimously approved a resolution increasing the number of UN observers from 30 to 300 and demanding an end to the violence. An opposition spokesman said that Annan’s initiative was “our last chance to avoid civil war.” After widespread violence on Friday, much of Syria was quiet on Saturday, activists said.


The military claimed 10 Saudi and three Somali al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed while fighting in Abyan. Eight people were killed during clashes between Salafists and Houthis in Saada. A military officer in Aden was reportedly arrested for supplying weapons to AQAP.


Puntland security forces arrested 15 Takfiri clerics in Galkayo and accused them of supporting attacks in the area. Somaliland pulled out of talks with the central government.

United Kingdom

Three terror suspects arrested at Heathrow airport two days ago were freed on bail under conditions. Scotland Yard is concerned for the safety of convicted terrorist Saajid Muhammad Badat, who has testified in numerous cases against al Qaeda operatives.

United States

Najibullah Zazi testified that he and New York subway bomb plot co-conspirators Adis Medunjanin and Zarein Ahmedzay met with wanted al Qaeda mastermind Adnan El Shukrijumah in Waziristan in 2008 to plan attacks. Targets discussed included Walmart, Times Square, Penn Station, the NY Stock Exchange, malls, theaters, and public transportation. Also testifying in the case […]

Al Qaeda

Pakistan – Intelligence leads: ‘TTP chief convenes meeting to plan revenge attacks’


Reports show critical weaknesses in Obama administration’s European missile defense plans


Parliament passed a more liberal security law, prohibiting indefinite detention without trial. Since 1999, “a dozen” attacks by terrorist groups have been foiled, including a planned attack on the Petronas Twin Towers in 2008 by the al Qaeda-linked Jemaah Islamiyah. JI has also targeted police stations, restaurants, and Kuala airport. And in 2000, another militant […]


Afghanistan – Taliban shut schools in Ghazni after government bans motorbikes


Syria Accused of Failing to Live Up to Peace Plan


A spokesman for UN envoy Kofi Annan said the ceasefire was ‘very fragile’ and the situation was ‘not good.’ Syrian government troops fired on protesters.

Boko Haram

Nigeria: Government Opens Secret Detention Centre for Boko Haram