Yearly Archives: 2012

Al Qaeda

Islamists in Enemy Territory: The Missionary Zeal of Germany’s Salafists


The number of deaths rose sharply. The Syrian military halted violence in areas entered by UN observers but resumed once the monitors left. Activists reported reprisals. Despite claims, government forces have not withdrawn heavy weapons from populated areas. The UN is under pressure to move quickly to send more observers to Syria.


US drones killed al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commander Mohammed Saeed al Umda in one of two strikes over the past several days. The military claimed it has retaken control of the center of Zinjibar. Members of parliament are pushing for talks with AQAP.


Shabaab beheaded a businessman and dumped his body in Eel Adde after accusing him of being a spy for the government. AMISOM is aiding the government’s investigation into the suicide attack at a theater in Mogadishu.


Security forces killed three suspected Boko Haram fighters in Maiduguri. The Joint Military Task Force raided a Boko Haram bomb factory in Kano.

United States

Sami Samir Hassoun, 24, a Lebanese citizen residing in the US, pled guilty to charges relating to his attempt to set off a bomb near Wrigley Field on a night in September 2010 when the stadium was filled with concertgoers. He had told undercover agents he hoped to cause “political instability” in Chicago and “paralyze” […]

AQAP commander thought killed in US drone strike

Mohammed Saeed al Umda (also known as Ghareeb al Taizi), who trained at al Qaeda’s Al Farouq camp in Afghanistan and has been listed as the fourth-most-wanted man in Yemen, is believed to be dead. A second strike killed three AQAP fighters in the south.


The spy chief said that as many as 60 Canadians have left the country for terror training camps in Yemen, Somalia, and the tribal areas of Afghanistan and Pakistan. Calling terrorism the biggest security threat to Canada, he noted both the increasing danger of “lone wolf” terrorists and the decreasing number of extremist proscriptions against […]


Pakistan – Hafeez Shaikh caps off ‘successful’ US tour securing promises of aid, loans


The proposed US-Afghan strategic pact calls for the US to provide for Afghanistan’s security for 10 years and prevents attacks on neighboring countries. The Taliban killed two ISAF soldiers in the east. President Karzai barred a US Congressman from entering the country.


Seven al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters were killed in two airstrikes in Shabwa and Abyan provinces. “Gunmen” killed a security official in Hadramout. AQAP said it would execute 73 Yemeni soldiers on April 30 if AQAP fighters in prison are not released.

Al Qaeda

Pentagon establishes Defense Clandestine Service, new espionage unit


Afghan-US pact signals US won’t tolerate resurgent al-Qaida, attacks launched from Pakistan


Shabaab killed two Ethiopian soldiers in an IED attack in Beledweyne. Ethiopian troops reportedly executed three men after the attack. One person was killed after Somali troops attacked a police checkpoint in Mogadishu.