Yearly Archives: 2012


Security forces arrested three suspected terrorists in Copenhagen, charging them with possession of illegal weapons. One suspect is a Danish citizen who lives in Egypt, one is a Turk, and the other a Jordanian. The investigation is ongoing.

United States

A military court refused to dismiss the most serious charges against Pfc. Bradley Manning, including that of aiding the enemy. He faces a total of 22 charges for sending massive quantities of sensitive data to WikiLeaks. A federal judge denied a Freedom of Information Act request that asked for photos and video taken of Osama […]


The Taliban killed three ISAF soldiers in the south, and killed four policemen and captured 16 more in Badakhshah. An Afghan soldier killed an ISAF soldier in the south. ISAF captured an IMU facilitator in Logar.

Taliban website hacked for 3rd time in a year

The Taliban’s leading website has been ‘infiltrated’ for the third time in less than a year by unknown cyber-assailants. The Taliban have yet to comment on the disruption to their El Emara website.


Insurgents killed 10 Iraqis in a bombing at a cafe in a village outside of Baqubah. An Iraqi soldier was killed in an IED attack in Mosul.


Security forces detained eight al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in Lahj. Ibrahim Hassan al Asiri, a senior AQAP bomb maker, is believed to be plotting attacks against the US.


A massive explosion killed 70 in Hama. Activists blamed the government while the government blamed a ‘terrorist’ bomb factory. Activists called for an emergency UN meeting over the attack.


Six people were killed during clashes between Shabaab and Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a in El Bur. Ethiopian troops arrested two members of parliament in Baidoa.


Secret Gaza ballot starts Hamas leadership vote


The editor of ThisDay confirmed that a suicide bomber drove a jeep into the newspaper’s office in Abuja, killing two people. There more people were killed in a bombing at the newspaper’s office in Kaduna.

Al Qaeda

Terror: US staff banned from restaurants during anniversary of Bin Laden killing