Yearly Archives: 2012


Afghanistan – Government Has No Political Commitment to Fight Terrorism: National Front


The EU Terrorism Report for 2012 says the death of Osama bin Laden “has had little immediate impact on the al-Qaeda affiliated or inspired terrorism threat in the EU.” According to the report, 122 people were arrested in the EU in 2011 for offenses linked to al Qaeda terrorism, and over 50 percent of those […]


Three suspected terrorists arrested in Copenhagen yesterday will be held for four weeks while the investigation continues; one pled guilty to weapons charges. A fourth man linked to the plot, a Palestinian, appeared in court on a charge of illegal entry into the country.


US deploys stealth jets to air base in Southwest Asia –


Iran planning to cut internet access to rest of world


Pakistan deported Osama bin Laden’s widows, two Saudis and one Yemeni, and his children to Saudi Arabia. A suicide bomber died in a premature detonation in Quetta.


Book review: Pakistan on the Brink: The Future of America, Pakistan and Afghanistan by Ahmed Rashid


A suicide bomber killed at least 10 people outside a mosque in Damascus. The Syrian government and opposition activists blamed each other.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula bombed a liquefied natural gas pipeline in Shabwa province. Osama bin Laden’s Yemeni wife will remain in Saudi Arabia.


AMISOM said it plans to expand operations outside of Mogadishu and urged Somalis to unite against Shabaab. Shabaab spokesman Sheikh Ali Rage threatened Somali elders who participate in creating a constitution.

Al Qaeda

Last Stand in Abbottabad: The Untold Story of Osama bin Laden’s Hideout