Yearly Archives: 2012

Al Qaeda

Files recovered from Osama bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, show that the al Qaeda leader and his deputy Ayman al Zawahiri were in contact with Afghan Taliban emir Mullah Omar. The terror leaders plotted strategy in Afghanistan up to two weeks before bin Laden was killed.


US drones killed four “militants” in a strike in Miramshah bazaar in North Waziristan. A German jihadist was killed in the March 9 drone strike in South Waziristan. Two people died in a bombing in Khyber.


Afghan forces killed 27 insurgents, including seven Pakistanis and Saudis, in an operation in Helmand. In other incidents, five Taliban fighters and two policemen were killed; and the Taliban freed 14 policemen in Badakhshan.


Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula released the 73 Yemeni soldiers who had been captured in Al Koud when their base was overrun in early March. Ansar al Sharia announced that AQAP leader Nasir al Wuhayshi is its emir.


Lebanon detained a ship that was transporting weapons, some with Libyan markings, for Syrian rebels. In a seaborne assault, Syrian rebels attacked an army unit on the Mediterranean coast. Hundreds of army soldiers defected to the rebels.


Eight people were killed in attacks in and around Mogadishu. Shabaab and government and AMISOM troops clashed in two districts, while Shabaab bombed a theater. Fifteen suspected Shabaab fighters were detained in Hudur.


Many in Egypt Muslim Brotherhood are wary of plunge into politics


Egypt’s conservative Islamist party endorsed a liberal Islamist for president, calling it a reaction against the Muslim Brotherhood’s candidate. The Muslim Brotherhood said the ruling generals planned to reshuffle the cabinet.


Border clashes between Sudan and South Sudan killed 21 people. South Sudan said it would pull out of a disputed region. Sudan’s President declared a state of emergency for the area. China offered South Sudan $8 billion in aid.


Analysis: Cease-Fire in Syria Buying Time at a Cost


An attacker threw a grenade inside a church in Nairobi, killing one person and injuring at least 15 more, some critically. The al Qaeda-linked Shabaab is suspected in the attack.


An assault on Christian worshipers at a university campus in Kano killed at least 15 people and wounded dozens more. The attackers, who arrived on motorbikes, are suspected to be members of the al Qaeda-linked Boko Haram. A second attack today, at a church in Maiduguri, killed five people, including a pastor.


The Taliban killed 10 members of the Afghan Local police in Wardak and an ISAF soldier in the south. Two policemen and two Taliban fighters were killed during an assassination attempt that targeted Kandahar’s governor. The Taliban rejected a proposed “safe passage” for negotiations.

Taliban attacks kill 12 Afghan policemen

In the east, 10 members of the Afghan Local Police were killed in an IED attack, while in the south, two policemen were killed in a failed assassination attempt against Kandahar’s governor.


Tribesmen allied with the Yemeni military killed seven members of the al Qaeda-linked Ansar al-Sharia near the city of Lawdar in Abyan province. An intelligence officer was shot and killed in Lahej province.