Yearly Archives: 2012


Hundreds of Salafists armed with Molotov cocktails and clubs fought with police in Jendouba, torched a police headquarters, and attacked liquor stores and bars. The Salafists were protesting the arrest of four of their ranks for previously attacking bars.

Al Qaeda

Pakistan – Lawyers to challenge sentence: Afridi denied right to due process, says HRCP


Residents of Ghazni killed 11 Taliban fighters in a local uprising. Five Taliban fighters and a civilian were killed in fighting in Helmand. The Taliban killed a British soldier in Helmand.


Insurgents killed three soldiers in an IED attack in Badoush near Mosul. A Brigadier General in the Interior Ministry was gunned down in Baghdad.


The military said it killed 62 al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and retook key positions east of the city of Zinjibar. AQAP claimed credit for yesterday’s suicide attack that killed 12 Houthis in Al Jawf, and released a video of a captive Saudi diplomat.


Shabaab forces deserted the city of Afgoye, which is just outside of Mogadishu, without a fight. Somali and African Union forces entered Afgoye yesterday afternoon. A Shabaab spokesman described the withdrawal as a tactical retreat.


Grenade attacks in two cities in the northeast wounded at least five people. Shabaab is suspected in the attacks, which targeted a school at a refugee camp in Garissa, and a hotel frequented by government officials in Wajir.


Likely Runoff Choices Represent Two Extremes Facing Egypt


Boko Haram is suspected of killing a Muslim cleric and a prison guard in Potiskum in Yobe state. The Joint Task Force said Boko Haram is plotting to conduct attacks on May 29 in Borno.


The al Qaeda-linked Ansar Dine announced its merger with the secular Tuareg group National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad, saying the accord will bring about an independent Islamic state under Islamic law. The two insurgent groups took over northern Mali following a military coup in March that weakened the central government. Two days ago, […]


Pakistan – SC orders govt to compensate heirs of Lal Masjid victims


The Taliban killed nine civilians in IED attacks in Helmand and Ghazni, two policemen in Uruzgan, and an ISAF soldier in the east. Security forces killed eight Afghan soldiers in Nangarhar.


The UN’s nuclear inspection agency found evidence Iran had enriched uranium to a higher level than previously suspected. Following talks that failed to reach an agreement on Iran’s nuclear program, the EU said it would go ahead with a planned embargo on imports of Iranian oil starting in July.


Violent clashes continued across the country despite the presence of 250 UN observers. A group of Lebanese Shia Muslims, kidnapped in Syria, was released three days after the group was abducted by Syrian rebels.