Yearly Archives: 2012


Muslim Brotherhood inherits U.S. war gear

Egypt arrests al Qaeda-linked Benghazi suspect

Muhammad-Jamal-al-Kashef.jpgEgypt has arrested Muhammad Jamal al Kashef (a.k.a. Abu Ahmed), a terrorist with direct, longstanding ties to al Qaeda’s leadership. Some of the terrorists responsible for the Sept. 11 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya were trained in his camps. He is also part of the jihadist network that incited protesters in Cairo earlier that same day.


Two Muslim organizations, the Algerian Democratic Union for Peace and Progress (RDAP) and the Organisation of Arab Union, are suing a French satirical magazine for €780,000 in costs and damages stemming from the publication of cartoons featuring the Prophet Mohammed on Sept. 19. The lawsuit accuses the publisher and cartoonists of defamation and stirring up […]


Intel chair warns US must act if Syria moves to use chemical weapons


Security forces killed seven Taliban fighters in Nangarhar. The suicide bomber who seriously wounded the head of the National Directorate of Security used a bomb hidden in his underwear.


The Islamic State of Iraq denied that its emir, Abu Bakr al Baghdadi, was captured. A court sentenced two al Qaeda leaders to death. Security forces arrested 12 al Qaeda fighters in Fallujah and nine more in Wasit.


About 400 NATO troops from the US and the Netherlands gathered near the Syrian border to assist with the installation of Patriot missile batteries as a defensive measure against possible Syrian bombardments. The Interior Minister said Kurdistan Workers’ Party militants are “human after all.”


Army general who oversaw Iraq drawdown tapped to be top US commander in Middle East


Prison guards foiled an escape by al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula prisoners. Twenty-five AQAP leaders and fighters were discovered while tunneling under a prison in Aden.


Russia recalibrating position on Syria’s Assad


Lebanon’s Tripoli begins to look like Syria

Palestinian Territories

Hamas political leader Khaled Meshaal visited Gaza for the first time in 45 years. “I hope God will make me a martyr on the land of Palestine in Gaza,” he said.


Noting the importance of the Damascus airport to the Assad regime, rebel forces declared it a “legitimate target” and continued their attempts to capture it. Government forces attacked rebel positions in Damascus suburbs to prevent rebel forces from encircling the city. The US and Russia agreed to mediation talks on the future of Syria.


Large pro and anti-Morsi demonstrations continued and spread beyond Cairo. Refusing to cancel a vote on a draft constitution, President Morsi called for dialogue. Opposition leaders refused. The Muslim Brotherhood’s main office in Cairo was burned.

US adds West African group, 2 leaders, to terrorism list

MUJAO-French-Hostage-SITE-Video.jpgThe US government has added the al Qaeda-linked Movement for Tawhid [Unity] and Jihad in West Africa and two of its leaders to the list of global terrorists and entities. The group has named one of its units fighting in Mali after Osama bin Laden.


Travels with a Bomb Disposal Unit through War-ravaged Libya