Yearly Archives: 2012


Shabaab fighters ambushed an African Union convoy carrying Somali president Ahmed, but no casualties were reported. The president’s car sped away from the firefight, which took place on the road to Afgoye, a rebel stronghold relinquished by Shabaab last week.


A disagreement over the application of sharia law has arisen between Tuareg MNLA forces and Islamist Ansar Dine fighters; the two groups recently announced their merger and takeover of northern Mali. The al Qaeda-linked Ansar Dine wants to impose a stricter form of sharia that includes amputations for some punishments.


The national intelligence service’s annual report says the agency’s budget has doubled over the past decade. The report states that “several” persons in Sweden are supporting Islamic terrorism in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Somalia, and that others have traveled to terrorist training camps abroad.


Security forces arrested two brothers, aged 18 and 23, and charged them with planning acts of terror. The suspects are Somalis who have lived in Denmark for the past 16 years. One of them was trained by Shabaab in Somalia.

United Kingdom

A UK immigration court denied bail to Abu Qatada, the al Qaeda-linked cleric whom Britain has tried to deport to Jordan for a decade. Calling the prospect of having Qatada free during the Olympics “exceptionally problematic,” the judge ruled he should be imprisoned until his deportation hearing.

United States

The US Supreme Court upheld, without comment, a lower court’s decision to deny former Iranian hostages compensation for their ordeal in 1979. Congress is considering increasing fines for violations of sanctions on Iran and using some of the proceeds to compensate the former hostages.


Security forces killed 21 Taliban fighters in operations and targeted two al Qaeda leaders in Kunar. The Taliban killed four policemen in Baghlan and an ISAF soldier in the south. Two ISAF soldiers were killed in a helicopter crash in the east; another helicopter crashed in the east, but no casualties were reported.

Iran has enough uranium for 5 bombs: expert


Iran’s oil terminals were hit by a new computer virus. Iran said it planned to build a new nuclear power plant.


A member of the Baghdad provincial council is a leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, according to the Baghdad Police Command. Insurgents killed four soldiers and a police officer in Wasit, and three soldiers west of Mosul.


The UN Security Council condemned Syrian government forces for artillery and tank shelling of residential areas in Houla. Russia’s foreign minister said that “both sides” in Syria’s conflict were responsible for the massacre.


Brotherhood’s success in Egypt polls masks setback


US drones killed five al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a strike that targeted the group’s leader for Baydah. The Yemeni military killed six AQAP fighters in Zinjibar and said it has taken key positions outside of Jaar.


Bahrain sentenced six people to 15 years in prison for plotting with Iran to stage attacks within the country. Targets included the Interior Ministry, the Saudi embassy, and a causeway linking the island to Saudi Arabia.


Egypt’s electoral committee announced the result of last week’s presidential elections. There will be a runoff between a Muslim Brotherhood candidate and a candidate from the former Mubarak regime.


Twenty-eight people were wounded in a blast at a mall in Nairobi. Witnesses saw a man leave a bag at the scene shortly before the blast. Prime Minister Odinga claimed the blast was caused by a terrorist attack.