Yearly Archives: 2012


‘Insulting religion’: Blasphemy sentence in Egypt sends a chill


Syrian Rebels Training On Anti-Aircraft Weapons In Jordan


Russia’s deputy foreign minister said the Assad regime was losing control of Syria; NATO’s Secretary General assessed that the regime was approaching collapse. The Syrian Army fired SCUD ballistic missiles at rebel positions for the first time. Two car bombs exploded southwest of Damascus, killing 24 people.


Authorities accused Israel of using a vulture tagged with a GPS-equipped camera to spy on Sudan; the military claimed to have captured one such vulture in the Darfur region this month. An Israeli ecologist dismissed the claim, saying the equipment was regularly used for tracking wildlife.


A leader from Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb’s El Moulethemine Brigade reportedly turned himself in to authorities last week. The unnamed commander is reportedly wanted by INTERPOL.


Security forces investigating a Salafist group in El Kef found a large quantity of weapons and ammunition in a raid on a house in Tajerouine; two persons escaped during the raid, but a suspect linked to a recent Salafist arms trafficking incident was arrested.


Top Russian Envoy for Syria Says Assad Is Losing Control


The Israeli ambassador advised Jews in Denmark to avoid wearing Jewish faith symbols in public in order to avoid harassment. Authorities have urged Jews to be especially cautious in Copenhagen’s multiethnic Nørrebro district.


Russia admitted for the first time that the forces of its ally Assad may lose to the Syrian rebels, and is making plans for the evacuation of thousands of Russians from Syria. Russia is concerned about the seizure of Syrian chemical weapons arsenals by “extremists.”

United States

Shaker Masri, an Alabama-born Chicago man, was sentenced to nearly 10 years in prison. Masri had plotted to be a suicide bomber for al Qaeda or Shabaab in Somalia. Two Alabama men, Mohammad Abdul Rahman Abukhdair and Randy Wilson, were arrested in Georgia as they were planning to travel to Mauritania for jihad. Wilson is […]


Canada pledged an additional $15 million in humanitarian aid to help with the Syrian refugee crisis, but held back from granting official recognition to the Syrian National Coalition. Foreign Minister Baird said Canada first needed to see that all groups, such as Kurds, Christians, and Sunni and Shiite Muslims, are assured a place in Syria, […]

North Korea

North Korea successfully launched a satellite into orbit, demonstrating North Korea’s intercontinental ballistic missile capability. NATO, UN, Russian, and Japanese leaders criticized the launch.


Security forces captured an al Qaeda commander near Mosul, four al Qaeda fighters in Fallujah, and three Ansar al Sunnah fighters in Kirkuk. A court sentenced three al Qaeda commanders and four fighters to death for kidnapping and executing 26 men in Anbar.


Three al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters and a pro-government tribesman were killed during a clash in Marib province. A counterterrorism officer escaped an assassination attempt in Sana’a on Monday.


The National Salvation Front opposition alliance called for a “no” vote on the upcoming referendum on a draft constitution. Egyptians abroad began voting. Protests by both supporters and opponents of President Morsi continued in Cairo and across Egypt.


Syrian rebels gaining ground against Assad’s air power

North Korea

A look at North Korea’s secretive, advancing missile arsenal


The US recognized the opposition Syrian National Coalition as the “sole legitimate representative” of the Syrian people. More than 100 countries also recognized the opposition coalition. Russia, China, and Iran did not.


The government pledged support for peace negotiations conducted by the Afghan High Peace Council, and said it would host a Taliban political office in Ankara. The military killed 42 PKK fighters in eastern Turkey.


Denmark – Police admit using Google translation in terror investigation was mistake