Yearly Archives: 2012


As year ends, US commanders are offering glowing assessments of war progress in Afghanistan


US troops will man Patriot batteries along Turkey’s border with Syria


Al Qaeda fighters killed an Army regimental commander west of Mosul and three policemen in Mosul. Security forces detained two insurgents in Fallujah.


The military killed six al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in air and artillery strikes in Abyan and Marib. Counterterrorism forces captured four AQAP fighters involved in assassinations.

Palestinian Territories

Hamas staged rallies in the West Bank; finances remain a major issue, however. After the Nov. 21 ceasefire, Gaza has become the quietest in 20 years.


As Egypt Prepares To Vote, Only One Side Seems Organized


Supporters and opponents of President Morsi staged rallies ahead of Saturday’s referendum on a draft constitution. Demonstrations became violent in Alexandria.


Syrian rebels and the US urged Russia to help push the Assad regime from power. But Russia said it would continue to support the regime.


Diango Cissoko was sworn in as prime minister, just days after former prime minister Cheikh Modibo Diarra was forced to resign by the Malian military junta that overthrew the government in March. Captain Sanago, who led the coup, is said to oppose plans for foreign military intervention in Mali.


Federal authorities now say that the pipe bomb found at the Bonn central train station on Monday was placed by a suspect with radical Islamist links. The Interior Ministry warned of an increased risk of attacks on Christmas markets.

United States

The US authorized the deployment of two Patriot missile batteries and 400 troops to Turkey along the Syrian border. The total of six missile batteries to be deployed by NATO is less than requested by Turkey. The Treasury Department imposed sanctions on seven companies and five persons linked to Iran’s uranium-enrichment program.


Pakistan – Jirga convened: Tribe asked to nab attackers of FWO personnel

Al Qaeda

Found guilty: Prison guard sacked over Dr Afridi’s Fox News interview


The central government and the Kurdistan Regional Government agreed on a plan to deescalate the situation in Kirkuk. A suicide bomber killed himself and two prisoners at an entrance to a prison in Baghdad. Security forces raided an al Qaeda media center in Mosul.