Monthly Archives: December 2012


Two more policemen were killed in a shootout with an “armed group” outside of the Benghazi Security Directorate. The director of the Benghazi Security Directorate was killed last month.


France said al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb was likely behind the kidnapping of a Frenchman in Katsina; the local police claimed it looked like an “inside job.” A court admitted into evidence over 200 pieces of improvised explosives in the case of six Boko Haram suspects arrested in July 2011.


The banned group Millatu Ibrahim issued two German-language chants by Salafist rapper Denis Mamdou Cuspert through the Global Islamic Media Front. One chant, subtitled in English, calls for jihad throughout the world, including “Londonistan, Germanistan,” Rome, and Jerusalem; the other praises an imprisoned German Islamist and urges the kidnapping German citizens.

United Kingdom

The High Court declined to hear a Pakistani man’s challenge to the lawfulness of alleged targeting assistance given by the UK to the CIA for the drone campaign in Pakistan. Characterizing the lawsuit as an attempt to elicit a public statement condemning the campaign, the court said that oversight of intelligence matters was the business […]


The Taliban killed two Afghan security personnel and five civilians in a bombing in Nimroz. A Georgian soldier has gone missing in Helmand province. Foreign Minister Zalmai Rasool said the ANSF is not prepared to take over security in 2014.


The finance minister said that a “militia force” kidnapped several members of his staff. President Talibani has been moved to a hospital in Germany after his stroke earlier this week.


Rebels began an offensive to seize a strategic town in Hama province that lies along the main highway between Damascus and Aleppo. Government forces resumed launching SCUD missiles at rebel positions. Fighting subsided at a Palestinian refugee camp near Damascus.


Egypt’s chief public prosecutor, appointed by President Morsi and forced to resign earlier this week by opposition protests, retracted his resignation. The controversy further heightens tensions between Muslim Brotherhood groups and the opposition ahead of Egypt’s second round of voting for a new draft constitution.


Troops gone, US increasingly sidelined in Iraq


Syrian rebel infighting could take dangerous turn if Assad falls


The Ethiopian military indicated that the African Union will expand its operations beyond Jowhar and Beledweyne. The towns of Bulo Burto and Jalalaqsi, which are between the two cities, are still under Shabaab control.


Nasser Torshani, an Ansar al Sharia official in Benghazi, denied that the al Qaeda-linked group was involved in assassinations of police officials in the city. He claimed that former Qaddafi loyalists have been executing police officers.


A group of 30 gunmen stormed a residence in Katsina state near the Niger border, killed a security guard and a neighbor, and kidnapped a French engineer. The group threw a grenade at a police station following the kidnapping.

Al Qaeda

‘Zero Dark Thirty’ waterboarding depictions not accurate, senators say


Salafists protested in the town of Menzel Bourguiba in Bizerte governorate against the detention of Salafists jailed over the Sept. 14 attack on the US Embassy in Tunis. They also called for clarification of the legal process against Abou Iyadh (a.k.a. Saif Allah ben Hassine), the leader of the Tunisian Salafist Ansar al-Sharia group, who […]


The UN approved the formation of an African military force called AFISMA to retake northern Mali from al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and allied Islamist groups. The force of about 3,300 troops is expected to deploy in September 2013. The resolution also calls for the rebuilding of Malian forces. Funding for AFISMA has not […]

United States

Three State Department officials resigned after a damning report on the the Benghazi consulate attack. Raees Alam Qazi and Sheheryar Alam Qazi, brothers from Fort Lauderdale, are to be detained until their trial on charges of plotting an al Qaeda-inspired attack in New York City. The new judge in the Ft. Hood shooting case allowed […]