Monthly Archives: December 2012

Ansar al Sharia Tunisia releases pictures of FBI agents

Al-Bayariq Media Foundation, Ansar al Sharia Tunisia’s media outfit, has released photos purportedly showing three FBI agents who questioned Ali al Harzi, a suspect in the Sept. 11 terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya. The three FBI agents reportedly questioned Harzi about the attack in Benghazi, as well as the Sept. 14 assault on the US Embassy in Tunis.

North Korea

South Korea salvaged parts of a North Korean missile launched earlier this week. Officials said there was evidence that North Korea was working on an intercontinental ballistic missile that could reach the US and there was evidence of technological ties with Iran.


The US and Russia agreed to a political solution to Syria’s civil war. Moscow said it would accept President Assad’s departure. Countries in the region offered safe haven to Assad. Rebels threatened aircraft flying from Aleppo’s international airport.


Egyptian Vote on Constitution Sets Up New Stage of Factions’ Struggle


Egypt held its final round of voting on a draft constitution. Egypt’s Vice President announced his resignation. President Morsi appointed 90 members to the 279-member Shura Council.


Two suicide car bombers attacked the offices of two mobile phone firms in Kano; the bombers died, and a security guard was injured. Boko Haram is suspected in the attacks.

Pakistani Taliban commander killed in bombing in Wana

Maulvi Abbas Wazir, a commander in the Movement of the Taliban in Pakistan in the Wana area, was killed in a blast at his office yesterday. The attack is thought to be linked to an assassination attempt against Mullah Nazir late last month.


Representatives from the Tuareg MNLA and the al Qaeda-linked Ansar Dine denounced the UN resolution authorizing a military intervention in Mali. The government welcomed the UN resolution, which authorizes “all necessary measures” to retake northern Mali from Islamist groups if political and diplomatic efforts to resolve the conflict fail.


Terrorists killed an Algerian army colonel and wounded a guard near Bouira. The attack occurred as security forces were searching for a terrorist group in the area.

United States

President Obama nominated Senator John Kerry to replace Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State; the nomination must be confirmed by the Senate. The US refused Pakistan’s demand for compensation for breaches of its airspace by US military aircraft.


Al-Azhar mosque at heart of concerns over Islamist turn in Egypt


In Islamist Bastion, Support Ebbs for Egypt’s Brotherhood


The EU imposed new economic sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program. India planned to cut oil imports from Iran next year. China, Iran’s largest customer, planned to maintain its imports.


The government confirmed that 10 members of the finance minister’s bodyguard have been arrested for terrorism-related charges. Security forces detained eight al Qaeda fighters in Ramadi and five more in Baghdad.


Government forces continued to fire SCUD-type ballistic missiles at rebel positions; they also began using cluster bombs. Residents began to flee Damascus.


Demonstrations over Egypt’s new constitution turned violent. Supporters and opponents in Alexandria hurled stones, injuring 58 people. Police fired tear gas and wielded batons to separate the groups.


“Gunmen” kidnapped a Finnish couple and an Austrian in Tahrir Square in the capital of Sana’a. The foreigners were in Sana’a to study Arabic. No group has claimed credit for the kidnapping.


Somali troops and members of the pro-government elements of the Ras Kamboni Brigade clashed in Kismayo. Eight people, including two Ras Kamboni fighters, were killed during the fighting.