Monthly Archives: December 2012


Senior Syrian official in US and co-operating with intelligence agencies


As Envoy Meets Syria’s Assad, Russia Signals New Pessimism


UN and Arab League envoy Lakhdar Brahimi met with President Assad but made little progress toward a negotiated solution for the civil war. Rebels surrounded three air bases in northern Syria but were unable to stop government jets from launching attacks. Russian advisers are manning some of Syria’s air defenses.


The Egyptian Army in northern Sinai thwarted an attempt to smuggle rockets into Gaza. Demonstrations were held in Cairo denouncing alleged rigging of the constitutional referendum. Egyptian judges began investigating the allegations.


Security forces conducted a house-to-house search in Kano, where they found explosives in various locations and made some arrests. The military said the measures were taken to thwart a major terrorist attack planned to disrupt Christmas celebrations in the city.


Indonesia is beefing up security around Christian churches for the holiday period, to prevent terrorist attacks. A rights group said intrafaith and interfaith attacks and intimidation in the country rose by 24% in 2012.

United States

Terrorism charges were filed against Mohamed Yusuf, 29; Ali Yasin Ahmed, 27; and Mahdi Hashi, 23, in a New York federal court for training and serving with Shabaab starting in 2008. Yusuf and Ahmed are Swedish citizens. The three men were arrested in August while trying to travel from Africa to Yemen.


Mullah Nazir banned cellphones with cameras and memory cards in Wana in South Waziristan. Following the assassination of ANP leader Bashir Bilour, the party is pushing for an operation to clear North Waziristan of insurgents.


The government released 36 prisoners from Bagram jail; the Helmand governor said he had taken up their cases with the High Peace Council. Joint forces arrested Haqqani Network leaders and operatives in Logar, Khost, and Paktika provinces. The foreign ministry rejected Taliban demands for the revision of the Afghan constitution and the formation of a […]


A court sentenced three al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula operatives to terms of two to six years in prison. The military launched an offensive against “tribesmen” who continue to attack an LNG pipeline in Marib.


Israel says Syria chemical weapons are secure for now


An airstrike by government jets killed 90 people in Hama province. Some 200 government troops guarding Damascus airport defected to the rebels.


As Egypt Constitution Passes, New Fights Lie Ahead


Egyptian voters approved a new constitution, preliminary results showing 64% voted in favor. Opposition groups claimed election fraud and said that they would continue their protests. An opposition coalition said it would form a single political party.


Somali pirates released a ship and 22 crew members held captive for 33 months; the vessel was besieged by Puntland maritime police on Dec. 10, and a few days later the police killed three pirates and captured three more. It is unclear if a ransom was paid.


The Nigerian Islamist group Ansaru claimed the kidnapping of a French engineer, saying it was retribution for France’s ban on the niqab and the French role in Mali. Ansaru is believed to be an offshoot of Boko Haram. The UK added the al Qaeda-linked Ansaru to its terrorist list last month.


Authorities announced on Friday the arrest of 16 members of a cell linked to Ansar al Sharia; the group later released photos of FBI agents. Hundreds of Islamists affiliated with the ruling Ennahda party broke up a meeting of the secular Nidaa Tounes party. The attack was blamed on the League for the Protection of […]


Ansar Dine vowed that all mausoleums will be destroyed in Timbuktu. The al Qaeda-linked Ansar Dine and allied Islamist groups have destroyed a number of historic sites in northern Mali since July. The Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa amputated the hands of two people in Gao and warned that amputations would continue.