Monthly Archives: December 2012


The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps claimed it captured another US drone. The US denied the claim. The IRGC released a video purporting to show the drone.


In Syria, a fine line between Jihadists and opposition


A Rebel Fighter Sees Islamic Law In Syria’s Future


Assad Suffering Reversals in Fighting and Diplomacy


Heavy fighting continued in southern Damascus near the international airport. A mortar round hit a school near Damascus, killing 29 students.


Gunmen loyal to opposite sides in Syria’s civil war clashed in Tripoli. Two were killed and 12 wounded.


Thousands of protesters clashed with police outside the presidential palace in Cairo. Egyptian newspapers went on strike.

Al Qaeda

Islamists and Secular Society Battle for Freedoms after Arab Spring


Supporters of Tunisia’s Islamist rulers attacked members of the country’s main labor union. Ten people were injured before police restored order.

Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb

The top US military commander in Africa said AQIM is operating terrorist training camps in Mali and providing training, weapons, and financing to the al Qaeda-linked Boko Haram in Nigeria. “Al Qaeda and other organizations are strengthening their hold in northern Mali” with each passing day, he said.


Police arrested a Muslim convert in Albi and his former partner in Toulouse; both are suspected of serving as accomplices to Toulouse shooter Mohamed Merah. The investigation is ongoing and other accomplices are being sought.

United States

The US Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces removed the judge from the case of Fort Hood shooter Major Nidal Hassan, citing the judge’s “appearance of bias” in requiring the defendant to appear in court clean-shaven and barring Hassan from using a courtroom latrine. The US military denied losing a drone over Iran.


The Taliban killed five civilians in a bombing in Uruzgan and two ISAF soldiers in an IED attack in the south. Security forces killed eight Taliban fighters in Zabul and Faryab. Ismail Khan will remain the Minister of Energy and Water despite rebuilding his militia in the west.

North Korea

Russia and China urged North Korea not to go ahead with a planned launch of a long-range rocket. North Korea informed the UN the launch would take place between Dec.10 and Dec. 22.


The government continued its attack on rebel positions around Damascus. A Syrian Army tank fired shells into Turkey. A prominent foreign ministry spokesman defected. The UN said it was pulling out all its non-essential staff.


The supreme court joined other judges in protest against President Morsi by declaring a strike. The media and the tourism industry also planned protest measures.