Monthly Archives: December 2012


Foreign hackers targeted former military chief Mullen: report


Syria: first state with WMDs to topple?


Jihadists make their presence felt in Syria’s Aleppo


Syrian army wears down as rebels gain territory and confidence


The Afghan National Army assumed security responsibility for seven eastern provinces: Nangarhar, Laghman, Kunar, Nuristan, Kapisa, Parwan, and Panjshir. Security forces killed three insurgents after an ambush in Paktia. A schoolgirl involved in a polio vaccination program in Kapisa was shot dead by suspected Taliban assassins.


Fighting continued between pro-Assad Alawites and anti-Assad Sunni groups in Tripoli. At least six people have been killed and dozens injured over the past two days.


Rebel groups attempted to restructure their leadership across the country. US Secretary of State Clinton warned that the Assad regime might use chemical weapons.


Supporters and opponents of President Morsi fought each other outside the presidential palace. Three of Morsi’s advisers resigned in protest.


Algeria and Tunisia concluded two days of talks. Several cooperation agreements were signed, including joint counterterrorism efforts.


The foreign minister said Turkey knows Syria has 700 missiles and where they are located. He said Turkey wants to see a transitional government in Syria without Assad. Security forces killed 13 PKK militants and captured five more in Osmaniye province.


Shabaab militants bombed a truck near Bossaso in Puntland and assaulted a military base, killing as many as 12 soldiers; over 400 Shabaab fighters are said to be holed up in the formerly peaceful region. Shabaab fighters ambushed a government convoy in Lower Shabelle, injuring four policemen. The Ahlu Sunnah militia formally joined the Somali […]


ECOWAS seeks an early 2013 start date for a military intervention; France promised financial aid and urged quick action. ECOWAS criticized the UN’s cautious approach on Mali; the presidents of Mali and Niger said the UN’s “backpedaling” was unjustified. Malian militias are training male and female recruits to battle Islamists in northern Mali.


Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood accused of paying gangs to rape women

Al Qaeda

“Zero Dark Thirty” take on bin Laden raid courted controversy from start


Bangladesh Jamaat-e-Islami, the country’s largest Islamist party, staged a daylong strike, clashing with police and blocking roads in cities across the country; one activist was killed. Protesters damaged a US Embassy vehicle in Dhaka, and injured its driver and a policeman; no diplomatic staff were in the vehicle. The protesters demanded the release of several […]


Pakistan – Election Preps: JUI-F to speed up mass contact campaign


NATO approved Turkey’s request for Patriot missiles to protect against Syrian bombardments. The missiles, to be used for defensive purposes only, will be supplied by Germany, the Netherlands, and the US, and are expected to be deployed within weeks.