Monthly Archives: December 2012


Somali Pirate Attacks Plummet in 2012


Kabul’s $100m mosque: a sign of a heavyweight battle for post-2014 Afghanistan


Al Qaeda fighters killed the Awakening’s military commander for Mahmoudiyah and his wife; four suspects have been detained. Security forces detained two al Qaeda fighters in Baghdad.


Pakistan’s largest city suffers murder wave, Taliban seen using chaos to strengthen position


The Yemeni Air Force killed four al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula members, including Said bin Muaily, a senior commander, in an airstrike in Marib province. “Gunmen” killed a prison guard in an ambush in Sana’a.


US seeks to interview detained Egyptian jihadist in Benghazi probe


Somali and Afghan Union forces took control of Johwar after Shabaab abandoned the town without a fight. Somali and Djibouti forces launched a security sweep in Beledweyne.


The prosecutor said the government is likely to drop its investigation of the Dec. 11, 2010 Stockholm suicide bombing that killed bomber Taimour Abdulwahab and injured two bystanders. In July a Scottish court found Glasgow resident Nasserdine Menni guilty of financing the attack.


President Karzai said the suicide attack that wounded the NDS chief was planned in Pakistan. US troops rescued an American civilian who was kidnapped in Kabul. Four Taliban fighters were killed in a premature detonation in Parwan. The Taliban killed two civilians in an IED attack in Khost.


Rebel leaders created a unified military command and elected an overall military leader. Syria’s foreign minister warned that rebels may use chemical weapons; the Al Nusrah Front captured a chemical factory in Aleppo earlier this week.


Suspected al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters killed a senior officer and seven soldiers in an ambush in the Wadi Abeeda area of Marib province. The commander of the Special Forces in Hodeida province dodged an assassination attempt.


President Morsi’s cabinet approved a measure giving the Army authority to arrest civilians. However, the Army said only dialogue could resolve the current crisis and that the Army was not seeking a political role. A “national dialogue” meeting was held at the presidential palace, but opposition leaders did not participate.


The death toll in yesterday’s grenade attack in Eastleigh in Nairobi has risen to five. A member of parliament was among 37 people wounded. The attack took place after worshippers were leaving a mosque.


The Joint Task Force killed four Boko Haram “sub-commanders,” including two IED experts, during a series of raids in Maiduguri. Officials said the commanders were identified after Abduulkareem Ibrahim was killed last week.


Syrian rebels elect new military commander