Monthly Archives: December 2012


After a bag containing pipe bomb elements was found on a platform at Bonn’s central train station on Monday, police arrested two Somali men, Abdirazak B. and Omar D., known extremists already under surveillance. The pair were later released; police are now looking for other suspects.

Al Qaeda

Islamist extremist suspected after bomb found at Bonn rail station


In northern Mali, Islamists’ attacks against civilians grow more brutal


An appeals court overturned the terrorism conviction of Mullah Krekar, sentencing him to less than three years in jail for issuing threats and intimidating witnesses. Krekar, who founded Ansar al Islam in Iraq and is on US and UN terrorist lists, has avoided deportation to Iraq for the past nine years.

United States

US and Philippine officials planned for an increase in the rotational presence of US forces in the Philippines. The military judge overseeing war crimes tribunals at Guantanamo prohibited public disclosure of information about locations where detainees had been held, the names of individuals involved in the process, and details of interrogation techniques.

United States

President Obama said the US will formally recognize the Syrian National Coalition as the legitimate representative of the Syrian people. The US added the Al Nusrah Front, an offshoot of al Qaeda in Iraq, to the terrorist list, and also blacklisted pro-Assad militias that kill civilians as part of a campaign of violence.


Drones violate sovereignty, but so do militants using Pakistani soil: Haqqani


Security forces detained two “terrorists” and seized suicide vests during a raid in Lahore. “Militants” bombed a cell phone tower in the tribal agency of Mohmand.


Security forces killed a Taliban commander and several fighters in Baghlan, and detained six suicide bombers, including three Pakistanis, in Paktika. President Karzai said the suicide attack that wounded the NDS chief was plotted in Quetta, and the government will provide evidence to prove it.


The US government added the Al Nusrah Front for the People of the Levant and two of its senior leaders to the list of global terrorists and entities. The US said Al Nusrah was formed and is commanded by al Qaeda in Iraq and its emir, Abu Du’a. Rebel groups across Syria rejected the US […]


Khartoum allowing Iran to establish a Red Sea base


UK military in talks to help Syria rebels


In Egypt, Tahrir Square awash again in revolutionary fervor


Pro-government and opposition protesters held rallies over Saturday’s referendum on a draft constitution. Gunmen attacked opposition protesters. Most judges have refused to oversee the referendum. Due to the shortage, the referendum will be held in two stages.


The deputy intelligence officer in Hadramout province was gunned down outside of his home in Mukalla. The military launched an offensive against al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in Marib.


Puntland security forces plan on attacking Shabaab strongholds in the Galgala mountains. Coca-Cola is reopening its factory in Mogadishu six years after closing due to insecurity.


The military junta that overthrew the government in March has forced Cheick Modibo Diarra, the prime minister, to resign. He was arrested while trying to flee to France. French officials called for the swift formation of a new government.


Allies of Egypt’s Morsi Beat Protesters Outside Palace