Monthly Archives: October 2012


Police confirmed that a white powder sent in an envelope to the US Embassy in Stockholm on Oct. 17 was “extremely toxic and corrosive.” The identity and motive of the sender is unknown; Sweden’s security agency is investigating the case, said to involve “spreading a poison or virus.”


Kenyan warplanes bombed Shabaab forces as they gathered outside of Dhobley. Two bombings were reported in Kismayo. Shabaab claimed it killed “29 kuffar invaders” in attacks over the past five days.


Al Qaeda militants ambushed a bus carrying Algerian soldiers in the eastern part of the country and killed two of them. The soldiers were executed to retaliate for the recent death of Boualem Bekai, a.k.a. Khaled al-Mig, reportedly the “number two” leader of al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, who was killed by the Algerian […]


France is sending surveillance drones to help the government drive out the Islamist insurgents who have seized more than half the country. France says the US has given it the leadership role in the crisis. Germany is willing to participate in a proposed EU noncombat training mission in Mali.

United Kingdom

Six of of 12 British Muslims from Birmingham arrested last year on terror charges have pled guilty. The three senior members of the homegrown jihadist cell, which raised funds for terrorism through a fake Muslim charity, sent jihadists to Pakistan for training, and plotted an al Qaeda-inspired attack that was to be “another 9/11,” have […]


The military claimed seven Taliban fighters were killed during airstrikes in Arakzai. Pakistan’s foreign minister asked Afghanistan to turn over Swat Taliban leader Mullah Fazlullah.


Seventeen Taliban fighters, a policeman, and a soldier were killed in clashes in Zabul and Farah. The Taliban killed an Australian soldier in Uruzgan.


US drones killed four al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula fighters in a strike on a car traveling in Marib province. An AQAP operative known as Sanad Oraidan al Okailim was among those killed.


Pakistan helping terrorists enter India, claims Indian home minister


War Against Terrorism ‘Unwinnable’ Unless Pakistan Fights: Afghan Ministry of Interior


Security forces detained 11 militants linked to a suspected al Qaeda plot against Western and commercial targets in Amman that included assassinating diplomats and bombing embassies and shopping centers. The terrorist cell planned to use weapons and explosives smuggled in from Syria, and had prepared explosives “aimed at inflicting the heaviest human losses possible.”


Protests erupted after the funeral of slain intel chief General Hassan. Mourners stormed the office of Prime Minister Mikati, who is perceived to be too close to the Syrian regime. Opposition groups called for Mikati to resign.

Palestinian Territories

Palestinian elections held in in the West Bank largely reelected the Fatah Party to local councils. Turnout was low.


A bomb exploded next to a police station in a Christian quarter of Damascus, killing 13 people. The state news agency said the blast was caused by an explosive placed under a car by an “armed terrorist group.”


The army arrested senior Boko Haram commander Shuaibu Muhammed Bama at the home of a Maiduguri senator. Suspicions have been raised that some politicians in northern Nigeria are siding with the militants.


Khamis Gaddhafi, son of former dictator Muammar Gaddhafi, was reportedly killed during fighting in Bani Walid. His death has not been confirmed. Heavy fighting continues in the city; 26 people are said to have been killed, 200 wounded, and 30 captured.


France’s racism watchdogs demand action after mosque stormed


The national antiterrorism agency claimed that operations against insurgents in Kabardino-Balkariya and Daghestan have killed 49, including nine local leaders, and destroyed 90 insurgent bases; security forces have also detained scores more. President Putin vowed to track down Doku Umarov, the leader of the Caucasus Emirate, which has threatened to target the 2014 Winter Olympics […]

United States

ISAF commander Gen. John Allen said al Qaeda is re-emerging in Afghanistan. Other US officials say there are only 50 to 100 al Qaeda fighters in Afghanistan; the governor of Logar province says there are 100 to 150 al Qaeda fighters in Logar. The White House denied a media report that it was ready to […]


Two Afghan security personnel killed six of their fellow policemen in an attack in Helmand. A man dressed in an Afghan police uniform killed three more policemen in Khost. Two pro-government tribal elders were gunned down in Helmand. French forces are speeding up their withdrawal.


Authorities are concerned about Norwegian jihadists going to Syria; most are from the radical Norwegian group Ummah. Other Norwegian jihadists have gone to Somalia, Pakistan, and Yemen. Extremists Arfan Bhatti and Mohyeldeen Mohammad are currently in Syria along with some 30 other Norwegian citizens. An imam said “many desperate parents” asked him “about their children […]


Seventeen Iraqis were killed in two bombings just minutes apart that targeted Shiites in Baghdad. A Canadian judge ruled that a citizen who was involved in at least two suicide attacks in Iraq could be extradited to the US.