Monthly Archives: October 2012


Rebels attempted to capture a military base near a strategic highway connecting Damascus with Aleppo. Twenty people were killed in Aleppo when government forces shelled a neighborhood bakery.


The government banned public gatherings. The ban followed clashes between riot police and Islamist demonstrators who oppose changes to electoral laws.


Somali pirates hijacking fewer merchant ships

Palestinian Territories

For the first time, a head of state visited Hamas-ruled Gaza. The Emir of Qatar called for Palestinian unity and pledged $400 million in aid.


Shabaab killed four Ugandan soldiers in an ambush near Baidoa. Shabaab threatened to attack Britain over the extradition of Abu Hamza al Masri to the the US.


Saif-Allah Benahssine a.k.a. Abu Iyadh, the leader of the al Qaeda-linked Ansar al Sharia in Tunisia, called on the government to release 144 people, including two other Ansar al Sharia leaders, who were arrested after the attack on the US Embassy in September. Benahssine is wanted for inciting the attack. The US has urged Tunisia […]


The exiled mayor of Gao said 60 to 100 Algerian and Sahrawi fighters had arrived in the town. Residents of Timbuktu and Gao said hundreds of fighters, mainly Sudanese and Sahrawis, had come into the area to help hold it for the Islamists. Tuareg rebels, who have been allied with the Islamists, called the reports […]


The Taliban killed three policemen in Khost, three civilians in Paktika, and a tribal leader in Helmand. Security forces killed a Taliban district leader and military commander in Wardak.


Is Syria’s regime spreading turbulence as a survival tactic?


Online tools to skirt Internet censorship overwhelmed by demand


Instability grips Libya a year after Gaddafi’s fall


Israeli air strikes killed two Palestinian militants in northern Gaza. The militants had been firing mortar shells at an Israeli tank.


The Lebanese army launched security operations to open roads and clear gunmen from the streets. The army is trying to suppress violence sparked by the assassination of a prominent intelligence chief. At least seven people were killed in Beirut and Tripoli overnight. The army urged political leaders to show caution.


Said al Shihri, al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’s deputy emir, denied reports that he was killed in a drone strike last month. Three Yemeni soldiers were killed in an explosion at a base in Aden.


Abu Muhammad al-Tahawi, an al Qaeda-linked Jordanian Salafist cleric, said Jordanian Salafists had planned an attack in Israel and were getting closer to fighting in Israel “via Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.” The Jordanian Salafist movement has sent 250 fighters to Syria, and some are leaders in Damascus, Aleppo, Deraa, and Idlib.


Saad al-Katatny, newly elected head of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Freedom and Justice Party, said the party’s goal is to institute sharia law. Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Mohammed Badie called on Muslims worldwide to “liberate” Jerusalem, saying “[t]he jihad for the recovery of Jerusalem is a duty for all Muslims” and the conquest of the city […]