Monthly Archives: October 2012


A classified report by Germany’s foreign intelligence agency says that insider attacks against NATO forces are likely to increase, the Taliban reintegration program will be ineffective, Afghan and US peace talks with the Taliban will go nowhere, Afghan president Hamid Karzai is more likely to defer to insurgents than institute needed reforms, and a greater […]


Iranian economy on verge of collapse, says Israel


Iran’s rial hits an all-time-low against the US dollar


Yemen: After U.S. embassy attack, West uneasy over Saleh’s role


The prime minister blamed radical Muslim Rohingya and political opponents for attacks on Buddhist temples and homes on Sunday. Army soldiers, border guards, and police were deployed to provide protection to returning Buddhists. The government banned public gatherings in the area.


In Homs, government forces evicted thousands of residents and then demolished their homes. Fighting spread across the old section of Aleppo. Government forces shelled towns in the eastern suburbs of Damascus.


Somali and Kenyan forces have begun to patrol in the former Shabaab stronghold of Kismayo. Somalia’s new president and the speaker of parliament visited Baidoa, which was under Shabaab control until February 2012.


US Assistant Secretary of State Johnnie Carson told reporters that Kenya does not intend to occupy the southern Somali port city of Kismayo. Kenya would transfer control to African Union and Somali forces and the UN “yery quickly,” he said. Two policemen were gunned down in Garissa.


Malian Prime Minister Diarra rejected calls for a negotiated settlement with al Qaeda-linked Islamist groups that rule the northern half of the country. Diarra also said he would not negotiate with Touaregs from the National Movement for the Liberation of Azawad.


Tehran split over billions spent to support Assad’s regime


Syrian rebels’ backers block arms cache until bickering factions unite


Jewish groups say conspiracy theory over anti-Islam film won’t die


Former Pakistani legislator offers second bounty on anti-Islam film maker


British security firm facing questions over role in Benghazi attack